Many of you have heard about the big changes at Cisco Systems regarding their certifications. Now, There's a whole new certification track for dev net. That's a separate article, A separate set of articles, But in this article I thought to myself: wouldn't it be awesome if we can have a article that was less than five minutes, gave a really good overview of those changes and how t are going to affect Us so we can get the right information in a very short amount of time. That's what we're gonna do in this article together right now, So let's break out the whiteboard and let's talk about the entry-level certification with Cisco, And that is CCET and that stands for the Cisco certified technician, Which is the entry entry-level point into Cisco certification.

Next, We have the associate level and for the associate level we have the CCna which is the cisco certified network associate and unlike the previous versions of CCNA, Now there's only going to be one flavor and it's the same. Ccna exam that'll be taken by everybody who wants that certification? Next, As we go up, We have the professional level certs and setting aside the dev net certifications. Just for a moment. There are five CCNP are cisco, Certified network professional categories that a person can get, And one way to remember them is the acronym.

Some children don't eat spaghettI with the first letters of each of those words reminding us of what each of those categories are in the professional level or the CCNP and those five professional level. Certifications include service provider, Collaboration data center enterprise and security, And the cushion - and this is a good one that might come up - is . What, If I want to get a security CCNP? How do I do that, And it's really simple: it is two exams and of those two exams. One of those is going to be the core exam. If we're looking at security is gonna, Be the core exam for security and then one of the concentration exams. So in security there is a single core exam, So a person would take that and then currently there are six I'll put them out here.

CCNP 350-701 Exam Questions

There are I'll put them out here, There are six concentrations, And all a person would have to do is take the core for security and then any one of these concentration exams based on what t want to focus on what t want to learn, And that combination Would give them a ccnp in security, So as a review to get a security CCNP? We take the core for security and then one of these concentrations that are associated with the security track and both were a CCNP in security, And we have similar activities for service providers. There's one core and there's three concentrations at the moment and that could grow. And that's one of the beauties: the concentrations could be replaced or grown or added to as the need arises. So this whole new certification, Making it more modular, Makes a lot of sense because t don't have to rip and replace the whole thing t can just add or remove individual concentrations.

For whatever technology is important for individuals to know, For collaboration, There's one core and at The moment of this recording there's for concentration exams for data center currently is one and five and the actual number of concentrations that t could add that would be applicable, Might change over time and that's perfectly fine, But to get a CCNP in any one of these Areas we take the core exam, Let's say for data center as an example and then one of the concentrations and poof you're SEC NP. Now the question might come up well Keith what? If, What? If I'm working towards the certification - and I'm not done with it, Do I get something for just taking the exams and the answer is yes: if you pass another example, Let's say something's going for Enterprise ccnp or t just want to focus on maybe the core exam.

If t take that core exam, T get a specialist recognition. Now I don't know exactly what t're gonna call that or name that, But it's some kind of recognition, Meaning that you passed that certification exam so basically boils down to this, With the exception of the CCNA, When you take any one of these exams, Either the core Or the concentrations there are specialists or specialization awards or recognition given to that test taker who passes those exams where t can then demonstrate to their employers or others that, T have that specialization or that competency, Even if t didn't go for the full CCNP. That's also a benefit for somebody who has a CCNP, But if t also take additional concentrations, Not only will t have a ccnp, But t can also have individual specializations for those addition, Concentration exams that t passed so as you and I continue to study and prepare And we pass these exams and we get more Skills will also have each step of the way additional recognition from Cisco in the form of specializations that indicate that we have passed those specific exams and have those specializations as a result. And then one last moment, Let's talk about CCIE for a moment. If somebody wants to become a CCIE in one of these areas, What t would do is t would take the core exam, For example, Service provider or data center or security, And then t would go and take the lab and that would get them their CCIE.

So thank you for joining mr sloth and myself for this quick overview of Cisco's new certification track and I hope to see you in future articles, If you haven't already for pete's sake. Click on subscribe hit the alert bell. So you make sure that you know exactly when every new article comes in.

Clearing the Certification isn’t considered to be that much easy, you have to go through rigorous training and lots of CCNP 350-701 Exam Questions would be needed to go through unless you have some expertise training courses like such offered at the EveDumps.


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