We'll discuss the cisco certification blueprint and also brief you about each certification. So, Let's get started, There are five levels of certifications, Entry level, Associate level, Professional level, Expert level and architect level. Let us now discuss the entry-level certifications. The entry level is a starting point for individuals interested in starting a career as a networking professional.
The entry level comprises of the cisco certified technician, Certification or cct certification in this level, Candidates learn skills like diagnosing, Restoring, Repairing and replacing critical, Cisco networking and system devices. T work closely with the cisco technical assistance center dac to quickly and efficiently resolve support incidents. The ccd certification further comprises of cct data center and cct routing and switching certifications. The cct data center certification focuses on the skills required for on-site support and maintenance of cisco, Unified computing systems and servers. The ccd, Routing and switching certification focuses on the skills required for on-site support and maintenance of cisco routers switches and operating environments. Moving on, We have associate level certifications.
The associate level certifications helps candidates, Mastering the essentials needed to launch a rewarding career and expand your job possibilities with the latest technologies associate level comprises of devnet, Associate ccna and cyberops associate certification. Let us look what these certifications have to offer. The devnet associate certification proves your skills in developing and maintaining applications built on cisco platforms. The ccna certification is the first step in preparing for a career in it technologies. It will validate your skills and knowledge and network fundamentals, Network access, Ip connectivity, Ip services, Security fundamentals and automation and programmability next is the cyberops associate certification.
Achieving the cisco certified cyberops associate certification is a great start to your career in cyber security operations. It prepares you for today's associate level, Job roles and security operations centers soc. Next, We have professional level, Certifications, Cisco's, Professional level, Certifications, Prepare you for today's job roles in it technologies these certifications, Validate the breadth and depth of your knowledge, Covering the core concepts that span a technology area, While also providing the flexibility to choose a focus area. The professional level has seven certifications, Namely devnet professional ccnp enterprise, Cyberops ccnp enterprise, Cyberops, Professional ccnp collaboration, Ccnp data center ccnp security and ccnp service provider certification. Let us have a look at each one of them.
Achieving cisco, Certified devnet professional certification proves your skills in developing and maintaining applications built on cisco platforms. Next, We have the ccnp enterprise certification, Achieving ccnp enterprise. Achieving ccnp enterprise certification proves your skills with enterprise networking solutions. Next is the cyberops professional certification achieving the cisco certified cyberops professional certification proves your advanced skills as a senior analyst in a security operation, Center soc and incident response roles, Cloud security and other active defense security roles coming up is the ccnp collaboration.
Achieving ccnp collaboration certification proves your skills with collaboration, Solutions post the ccnp collaboration. We have the ccnp data center certification, Achieving achieving ccnp data center certification proves your skills with data center solutions. Next is the ccnp security certification. The ccnp security certification proves your skills with security solutions.
Lastly, We have the ccnp service provider certification, The ccnp service provider. Certification, Will prove your skills with service provider solutions. Moving on.
We have the expert level certification, Expert level. Certifications will help professionals validate their end-to-end. It life cycle skills from planning and design to operating and optimizing among the industry's most widely recognized and respected, Certifications. Cisco expert certifications tell the world in no uncertain terms that you know what you're talking about the expert level comprises of ccde ccie enterprise infrastructure, Ccie enterprise, Wireless ccie collaboration, Ccie data center, Ccie security and the ccie service provider. Certifications.
Let me explain to you each of the above one by one. The ccde certification is designed for expert level network design. Engineers network leads of it infrastructure and architecture teams working in job roles that require them to translate.
Business needs budget and operational constraints into the design of a converged solution. The ccde curriculum prepares designers to develop design solutions at the infrastructure level for large customer networks. Next is the ccie enterprise infrastructure certification. This certification will prove your skills with complex enterprise infrastructure solutions. Moving on is the cc enterprise wireless certification, Achieving ccie enterprise.
Wireless certification proves your skills with complex enterprise wireless solutions. Next certification is ccie collaboration. The ccie collaboration certification proves your skills with complex collaboration solutions. Moving on, We have ccie data center certification, Achieving ccie data center.
Achieving ccie data center certification proves your skills with complex data center solutions. We now have the cc security certification. The ccie security certification proves your skills with complex security solutions. Lastly, Is the ccie service provider certification, Achieving ccie service provider? Certification proves your skills with complex service provider solutions.
The last section of cisco certification is the architect level certification. Cisco certified architect is the highest level of accreditation achievable within the cisco certification program. It is the pinnacle for individuals wishing to show formal validation of their knowledge of cisco technologies and infrastructure architecture. The cisco level, Architect, Is the only certification in this level.
The cisco level architect, Certification is for senior network infrastructure. Architects, Who produce technical specifications for the network to support business objectives, The curriculum focuses on understanding the business strategy and translating it into technical infrastructure requirements. So we hope you have a clear understanding of what the cisco certification blueprint looks like, And what does each certification mean? If you have any queries, Please free to ask in the comments section below thank you for reading in the next article. We will discuss the ccna certification in more detail.
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