In this lecture, You'll learn about the different Cisco certifications. It's really easy to find the information.

So, At the entry level we have CCENT and/or CCT, Then at the associate level we have the CCNA with Cisco Certified Network Associate and if you look in here, You'll see there's various tracks I'll get to that in a minute. The next level up is the CCNP. The professional level, Then the CCIE at expert and then we've got the certified architect now, Cisco generally want you to progress through the levels in order, For example, If we have only our CCNP security open that in a new tab, You'll see that the prerequisite you need To be a CCNA security first and if you have a Mook CCNA security, Which is one of the specializations you'll see for that, You have to be CCENT or a CCNA routing and switching already. So when we talk about the CCNA in general, We're talking about CCNA, Routing and switching all of these other tracks, Like cloud datacenter service provider, T build on top of routing and switching because all those other tracks t run on top of IP networks and to learn About IP networks, That's where we do the CCNA routing and switching so this is really where you want to start on your Cisco certification path.

Now, If you're one thing we'll wait a minute, What about the entry-level certifications, You see if I look at CCNA routing and switching and we'll check the prerequisites for that, There are no prerequisites so pretty much everything forever on. You need to start off with the CCNA routing and switching, But to get CCNA typing and switching you don't need to do CCENT or the CCT first, Let's have a look back at the monster job search again and if you remember, If we looked up the Cisco Ccna there were a lot of jobs available 515 right now, But if I woke up Cisco CCENT, There is only going to be 17 and if we look up to school CCT, It's even last rows. Only two jobs found. So this huge demand for the CCNA routing and switching, Not so much demand for the CCENT. So what I'd recommend you do is accelerate your career progression by going straight to the CCNA.

If you've already done mushisent, Then great, But if you haven't, I wouldn't recommend doing it. Just go straight to the CCNA. Everything that you learn and CCENT is covered in the CCNA anyway, So you can get higher up the ladder in your career, Faster by jumping straight to the CCNA. Now that you know that let's take a look and see what we need to do to get our CCNA, So you can get this from the same page again again. I'll click on CCNA routing and switching to get all of the details and to pass with CCNA versus two ways that you can do that you can either do one exam, Which is with two hundred - one.

Cisco 350-601 Practice Questions

Two five or you can do two exams, Which is the 100 105 and the 200 - 105. My recommendation here is: do the 200 - 125? Why do two exams and have two trips to the test center and pay for two exams when you can do one exam and just have it done in the one time if you want to do over two exams? Fine, That's up to you! But really it's not any easier, So I highly recommend take the 200 - one to five exam and that's what this course is both we'll prepare you for doing it either way. But I recommend you do the one exam which I don't look at that exam by clicking on it and you can see the format of the exam. It's gonna be a 90 minute exam you're gonna get around 55 questions on the exam, And if we all want to see what we're gonna get tested on, We can click on review the exam topics, And in here it's gonna, Show us everything that we can get Questioned on you can split us out and sure details now, If you have a look, You'll see that everything you can get tested on here, I'm going to cover during this course, So I am gonna, Get you 100% ready to pass the exam. If we look back at the other tracks, You'll see that some of the other tracks included security, Wireless, Etc, Because there's others you see any tracks for that.

This exam is not going to test you on the Center on collaboration on wireless or security. It's gonna focus purely on routing and switching. This is a good thing anyway, Because this is going to build up your core networking knowledge. If you want to specialize in one of those other tracks later on, Then this is going to give you a great foundation.

Last thing to tell you cuz is often asked about, Is: how is the actual exam going to be experienced? What happens? Well, You take it at a Prometric view, Test center, Which is great because you can ticket any day that you want does not fix times that you have to show up to do the exam you book it ahead of time. You pick with entertainment. You want to do it, You go at the test center and you're gonna pass the exam if you're wondering what its gonna look like in the test center. Obviously I don't have a test center here, So I can't show you personally, But if we go to youtube there are several articles on EveDumps that are gonna.

Show you exactly what happens on MIDI, So I'm in EveDumps and I'm going to search for Pearson VUE - and I did this earlier today. Actually the first one is pretty good. So this Pearson VUE exam the experience from and she es media, But shows you clearly what's gonna happen when you come in to do the exam one thing on here, It tells you that you can take a calculator with you that, In my experience is not correct. You'll see later, When we do the subnetting section that that would maybe help a little for this exam you're not going to be able to do it.

We would be discussing the ways for clearing. I would suggest you focus on the below-mentioned resources and also check out the Cisco 350-601 Practice Questions offered at the EveDumps, they are the best when it comes to Certifications Vendor.


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