In this quick article tutorial, I am going to practically show you cisco, Switch basic configuration step by step. I make this article tutorial in two parts. This is first part of this article and switch.
I am going to use in this article is cisco catalyst. 3550 switch in this rear switch. I am going to show you how to change hostname of your switch, How to set enable mode password how to create vlan, Assign name to assign name to vlan assign interface to vlan. Also, I will show you how to assign ip address to vlan and how to enable interval and routing between the vlans.
After this configuration, I connect my two laptop to different vlans and I will assign static ip to my laptop lan card and I will show you this successfully ping to each other from different vlan. . So, Let's start it, I am going to open my application party. I click here and click on open here.
Is it now I press couple of enter to login. This switch. The first command I have to type here is enable and enter in this article tutorial. First, I am going to show you how to change your cisco switch host name after login, Your cisco switch. You can check or you can see your cisco switch current post name here.
Is it by default? All cisco switch host name is switch to change this host name. I need to go privilege mode. First, I type config t and enter to change the host name.
I need to type the command host name and here I need to assign the name to this switch. For example, I give the switch name test switch and enter now. Here you can see, The switch hostname is changed immediately before the search name is switched, And now you take the new name test switch.
Next, I am going to show you how to configure the enable password on your cisco switch for that you need to type the command enable password, And here you need to give the password to your switch. I type cisco, See capital, And this is case sensitive now to check this password. I go exit and exit again from the switch here. Is it you know that first I type enable command I directly log into the cisco switch, Because there is no password. Now we set the password I press copy of enter here.
You can see my switch host name, The new host name, That is test switch now, If I try to log in and type enable command. This, Which ask me enable password, Like this unauthorized person, Will not login to your switch, Only authorized person or who know the password can only login and modify the switch setting. Now I type password here I got timeout now I type again enable command - and I type the password here with c capital cisco and enter.
Now. I successfully change the hostname of the switch and set the enable password in next step. Now I am going to show you how to create a vlan and assign name to vlan in real cisco switch to see the current vlans in your switch. You need to type the command, Show vlan and enter so here you can see your switch current wheel and status.
You have one vlan vlan 1, And this is your default vlan, And here you can notice. The all physical interface of your switch currently belong to vlan. 1, To create the vlan in your real cisco switch. You need to go to the privilege mode with command config. I will create 3 vlan vlan, 10, 20 and 30 for testing purpose to create the vlan in your real cisco switch. You need to type the command vlan, And here you need to give the, And here you need to give the vlan number one two three, Four ten, Twenty hundred, Ninety nine, Whatever the number you want to assign your vlan, You have to type here, For example, For Testing purpose: I create the vlan 10 - I type 10 here and enter with this command.
I create one vlan, And that is vlan 10. Now I want to give the name to this vlan, To remember myself or my colleagues, Why we create this vlan. For example, I create this vlan in my organization for some department like sale, So everyone knows vlan 10. We create for sale department, So all pc, Printer or other devices who belong to sale department. We will connect to this vlan exit now enter same like this.
I will create two more vlan vlan 20 and vlan 30. Now I will create vlan 20 enter and I give the name to this vlan or I will assign this vlan to hr department and exit same. I will create another vlan. I will create vlan 30.
You can create hundreds of vlan in cisco switches. As per your requirement. I will give the name to this vlan wi-fi, So I will connect my all wi-fI to this wheel and exit so to follow this step. You can create vlan and you can assign the name to your vlan in your real cisco switch. Now I check my wheel and status for that. I will exit from privilege mode first and type.
The command show vlan enter, And here you can see our three new vlan vlan, 10, 20 and 30 vlan 10 belong to sale department. So we give the name sale, Vlan 20 for hr department and vlan 30 for our wi-fI devices. Here you notice. One thing we create the vlan, But there is no interface, Belong to this vlan right now.
All interface still belong to vln1 or the default vlan. Now, In next step, I am going to show you how to assign the interface to your vlan. For that we have to go to privilege mode first conflicting enter to assign the interface to vlan. There is a two-way first.
You can assign a single interface to any vlan or you can assign multiple interface to any vlan. I will show you the both way. First, I am going to assign the port 1 to vlan 10. I type the command interface fast, Ethernet.
0, Shoe 1. I need to make this port as a access port, So I will type command switch port mode access enter and this access port I will assign to vlan 10. That's it exit.
Now I will show you the vlan status again in privilege mode. If you want to run the show command, You need to type the do command before the show show vlan and now here you can see our first interface first zero slash, One is removed from here and it is assigned to vlan 10. Now I want to assign first 10 interface to vlan 10. I don't want to go each interface, One by one and assign to vlan 10.
So here I will use the range command now. I show you how to use the range command for that you have to type command interface range first ethernet now here you need to give the range like start from 0 slash 2 and till port number 10. So now my 9 ports that from 0 slash 2 to till 10, Will take the effects of this commands.
Now I will make this 9 port as access port, I will type on switch port mode access enter and switchboard xs vlan 10. So this all nine port will convert to as access port and t all belong to vlan 10 now exit. I will show you the vlan status here, And here you can see now we assign multiple ports at a time to a vlan. I assign first run interface to vlan 10.
Now I will assign next 10 interface to vlan 20 and next we learn 30, For that I type command. Interface range first thread: 0, 11 till 20. So these 10 ports first, I will change as a access port and then this access port I will assign to vlan 20 exit same thing. I will do for vn30 I'll go to interface range fast, Ethernet, 0, 21 till 30. The next input I will convert to xs first and then this excess port I will assign to vlan 30 and enter exit.
Now I will exit from privilege mode and show you the vlan status. So here you can see. The first 10 interface are now belong to. My vlan 10, The next 10 interface we assign to our vlan 20 and the next 10 interface we assign to vlan 30. The remaining interface still belongs to our default vlan, And that is vlan 1. Now, In next step, I am going to show you how to assign the ip address to a vlan.
For that you need to type the command interface, And now you need to assign the ip to vlan. So you type command interface vlan. First, I will assign the ip to vlan 10, So I will type the vlan number here and now I log in this vlan.
Now I can give the ip the next command is ip address 1010101 and the subnet is 255255255 enter and exit. So I successfully assign this ip address to my vlan 10 same thing. I will do to vlan 20 and 30 for that I type one interface, Vlan 20 and ip address 1010201 and the subnet is 2552552550 enter exit and the last vlan that is vlan 30. I give the ip address from totally different network 1010301 and subnet is 2552552550 exit to see the ip status on your interface. I will exit from privilege mode and I type command, Show ip interface brief and enter.
So here you can see your physical interface that is physically exist on your switch and you can touch them and you can connect the cable there, Like port number, One. Two, Three four and here you can see a virtual interface that is exist there, But not physically. T are virtual interface, That is vlan 1 vlan, 10, 20 and 30, And here you can see the ipads we assign vlan 10. The ip address is 1010101 and status is up, But the protocol is down because there's no end device connect to vlan 10.
That's why protocol is down when we connect our second laptop to this vlan 10 interface. Then protocol status will be changed down to up, And here you can see our vlan 20 ip address and vlan 30 ip. Now I will go to privilege mode first now. I am going to enable interval and routing in this switch for that I use command ip routing and enter that's it.
This is the magical command after we put this command in our switch that belong to ip base ios, So we enable interval in routing that's it. Now I bring another laptop and I connect one laptop to first turn. Interface of this switch that belong to vlan 10 and my second laptop.
I will connect to next 10 interface in this switch that belong to vlan 20, And I will set the static ip in my laptop lan card and t will ping to each other. Now here you can see my both laptop, My this blue laptop, I'm going to connect to the first interface of my switch with this cat6 cable, And here you can see the lan card of this laptop. Now I will take another cat6 cable and this cable. I am going to connect my second laptop from next input from port 11 to 20 that belong to vlan 20 range here.
Is it and I connect with this lack of dialogue, A built-in lan card? I will use this converter now. My brew laptop that I create to first turn interface. I will go the lan card of that laptop and I will give the static ip to this lan card from vlan and range. That is 101010 series.
So to this laptop I will assign a static. Ip 1010 is press and . Now, If I try to change the gateway, I go to command chrome and I try to ping the gateway of this vlan that is 1010101 and successfully.
I can paint the gateway now same thing. I will do to my second laptop that went to my vlan 20 interface. I will go my second laptop land card.
This laptop connect to quarter 11 to port 20 that belong to vlan 20, So I will assign the static ip from vlan 20 range, That is, 10 dot, 10 dot, 20 dot. We can assign two three four anything I can give five and the subnet mask is two five: five, Two five five, Two five five dot zero and the gateway is 10 dot, 10, 10 dot, 201, And . Again now, If I try to ping the gateway of wheel and 20, That is ping 10 dot, 10 10 dot 201 so successfully.
I can pick the gateway, So my both laptop from vlan, 10 and 20 to ping the gateway. Now, If I try to ping from vlan 20 to vlan 10 for that I type command ping 10 dot 10105. This is my vlan 10 laptop ip and successfully. I can ping from vlan 20 to vlan 10. So it's mean my intervention.
Routing is configured properly. That's it till now in this article I show you how to change the hostname of your switch, How to set the enabled password on your switch, How to create a vlan, How to assign the name to the article. Also, I show you practically with real cisco switch. How to assign the interface to vlan and how you can assign the ip address to vlan and how to enable the information routing in your switch.
I will continue this lap and in next article I show you how to create a dhcp server in your switch for each vlan, So your laptop will get the ip address automatically from dhcp server and no need to assign the static ip to your laptop. Also, I show you how you can extrude some ip address from your dhcp server, So that ip will not assign automatically to any pc.
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