I'm gonna be your instructor throughout this entire series, Which is focused on the cisco design ccda aspects and design principles of the Cisco technologies and and really just networks in general. So, If you're here to learn about best practice, Design and learn about the mechanics of inner networking solutions, You've come to the right place or you're here to gain the ccda certification. You'Ve come to the right place.
A little bit of background on me is I've been drinking the Cisco kool-aid for many many many years. I started originally when I was 17 working for GE Capital and IT solutions, And I have been integrating and installing and designing and supporting and every kind of which role you could imagine with Cisco. Since so I've been an instructor for the last five years. I thoroughly enjoy my job and I've designed this entire curriculum and course to help you prepare for the ccda certification and get you certified . This is actually my eighth course here and I am very happy to be back for yet another Cisco training series. Anyway.
My background, I've got quite a few certifications for professional level of certifications in Cisco and and anyway. So I believe, I'm more than qualified to help you with this particular class and and I'm gonna do my best to make it as in fun and exciting. As I can for you like, I said this is my eighth series here, So I try to keep it getting better and better each one right. So what should you know coming into this series? Well, Here's the funny thing about the ccda. It used to be that there was absolutely no prerequisites to getting your design certification.
Cisco basically said that we need you to know most of what's in the CCNA, But we're not going to test you on it, Because you need to understand the design characteristics and we think that having to learn some of those engineering details at the time, It seemed Like a lot I mean the the landscape of certification has just evolved. So much it's not even funny. I said this whenever I did the first class I did here. The C sent the C sent today is now much much harder than the CCNA. Was you know years ago whenever I took it, And the same is true for the ccda unfortunately, And fortunately, Because now, With it being more difficult, T have upped the ante and it means once you achieve it.
It is even that much more valuable. So it's a great thing with that being said: there is a prerequisite now to earning your CCDA certification. T do want you to go ahead and get the C cent certification and that level of knowledge before you become a CCDA. It has been very understood for a long time that you need to know.
I mean the CCNA and CCTA I used to teach classes where, If you did the 5-day CCNA program, We could we could teach you the difference for the ccda and two extra days right, Because it was just covering the design methodologies and all that. Well, You know it's changed so now you do have to have a CE sent if you want to qualify as a Cisco, Certified design associate. So hopefully you've done that if you haven't, We have that series for you.
I know the instructor quite well and I'm just kidding that was me, But but we can help you with that as well and get you the design concepts you need to understand to get through the program. So I had to put more than is really required in this program and there might you might be fine one or two things like Chris. You didn't talk about this or you didn't talk about this, But what I do with all these courses is. I go to Cisco's website and I pull down this little document that says what the required learning is for that particular program and that document lists out basically says what you need to know to become that level of certification, And I designed the program around it now, With that being said, You know it's a lot of topics, A lot of topics and it doesn't quite say, We're going to go into detail this much on this particular thing, But what t do do what t do. Is t give you a percentage of areas to focus on basically and say if, If you're, Looking at this area, We're going to cover 10% describe the methodology used to design a network 13% describe network security and modularity 27% design basic enterprise campus network, So that gives Us some feel for where t put their focus in the particular exam, And, Of course this is, This has changed, Is 20% design IP, Addressing and routing protocols if you've taken the CCENT designing an IP addressing scheme should not be that difficult for you, That's one of The big parts of the CSUN is learning how to subnet right we're going to talk about it.
Anyway. Don'T worry if you didn't quite get subnetting and CCM err CCENT. We do talk about it in the design.
But most importantly, We talk about the design Enterprise design requirements, The campus design model, The SONA marlowe, The PPD ioo. All these different design focused, You know, Information about putting together Cisco architecture and Cisco solutions and designing for voice wireless article content. All that kind of good stuff is within this program and, Like I said, We tried to try to match it up as much as we could to this, But - and I think it's I think it's good enough to not only get you comfortable and get you familiar With all the concepts required, But really get you prepared to earn the badge right here on the right, The coveted CCDA. Now we all know there's a lot of CCA. Ccna is out there.
You know on the market today, But there's not near as many design professionals. In the market today, And so if you do take the CCENT and you do earn this certification and you might already be like Chris - I'm already a CCNP or I'm already a you know - I see a cisco certified security, Professional or whatever it is. But I just don't know the design characteristics.
That's absolutely fine. You'Re gonna see some things that may be repetitive to you in this, But you're gonna see a lot of things focused on the design. So don't worry about that, So we're covering what Cisco says is the required learning for the ccda certification and with that being said, This is Cisco certification options and I use this pretty much throughout all the all the classes, Because it all starts right here at the Csun after you have that, Though - and this is only if you need certification - if you're doing this just to understand how to design an architecture better and you really don't care about the certification, Which is very rare because most people to get this or designing Cisco.
Our architecture, T want certification, But if that's your goal, Don't worry because you will learn those things. You know Cisco, Certification. The the reason I think it's is, Is it's grand and broad and is is most sought, After as it is, Is because it doesn't just there is the Cisco logo on a lot of things that you see within the certification, But what t teach you applies To so many different technologies, You could take the the lessons from Cisco, CCNA and CCNP and apply those to any network vendor. Really, You might have different CLI commands and things like that on those routers or switches, But you, The same methodology, Is going to be true.
You might understand about Cisco, You know specific proprietary protocols, But you know the OS PA. You know the open standards are going to work with anybody right, That's so so anyway, You can learn so much, Even if you're, Not after Cisco certification, But if you are, And you want to become a CCDA. What's your next step, We're next step with design is to take and pass the CC or the route course the switch course and the architecture course and that's a professional level design. Course it's going to test your your knowledge of everything you learn here and a lot more in that course you cover a lot more specific things and you got to get down and dirty, Because architecture expects you to know at a professional level, Routing information, Switching information And design information, But with that being said, A lot of people opt and t'll go for a ccmp as well, Because for ccmp you have these same two courses, , But you also have another course called T shoot and that's a monster.
Don'T get me wrong! That's a pretty tough course, But that gets you dual professional level certifications. A lot of people do that anyway. So the goal is it should have a C sent we're goal.
Our goal is to get you the ccda, That's an associate level design certification and then should you want to move forward from there? You need to get these three exams routes which, In architecture, You are now a cisco, Certified design professional and into the big bucks. So it all starts here and that's what we're our goal is to do taking the exam. I am sure you've already, If you're hitting this class you've already taken the CCENT. If you haven't then to prepare you for both, It is a supervised learning, Environment.
t do do not want you to bring anything in your in your pockets. Anything like that. T ask you to empty your pockets.
T don't Pat you down, It's not like walking through airport security or anything, But t do. You know t do question and you you know you shouldn't, Wear a glue, Gun, Glass or a microphone in your ear or anything like that funny. Looking hearing aids either, You don't want to do that all right, So the exams are offered through a view. Testing facility, This exam is $250, There's 55 questions.
So I'm told again I get this information off of Google. Cisco does not publish a lot of this information. T say that the passing score, And again I'm just this is hearsay - is 825 plus, And you get about 75 minutes on the exam.
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