We would like to talk about CCNA study topic, Where we'll be covering the process on how to upgrade to iOS on a cisco router. Now this is something that you're definitely going to come across within your time as a cisco administrator. So without further ado, Let's take a look at the syntax we have here. Alright, This is something needs to be done in privileged mode.

So the first thing you want to do is type in an able to get into privileged mode once we're there. The command is quite simple: it's copy tftp server or excuse me copy tftp flash. So basically what you're going to be doing you're telling it you're copying from your tftp server over to the flash on the router.

So, Let's bounce over to our hyper terminal session - and we have a session here now - there's going to be some setup you're going to need to do on both the router and your network. So what we're going to do is we're going to go into our privilege mode, We're going to show our configuration here and for this demonstration I actually have two partitions on my flash. So you see that we have the partition flash too and it's eight and eight megabyte partitions, But notice here we have Ethernet 0 and I have an IP address of 192 168 1 dot to on it. Now we need our router, Which we're upgrading and we also need the tftp server.

So the router needs to be configured with an IP address, So it can configure be it so it can communicate via IP to our tftp server. So now you'll notice the screen that just popped up. We have our cisco kids tftp service console and this is installed on our server and IP address, For this is 192 168, 1, Not 99 and you'll notice below that the local network endpoint. We have our server storage folder, That's where we store, Let's say configuration files and also, In this case our iOS. So we have the iOS stored in the Cisco kits tftp, Server, Server storage, Folder on the C Drive of the tftp server.

So, Let's bounce back to our hyper terminal session and what we're going to do is copy tftp, Flash and nine out of ten times. You'Re, Probably just going to use the command as is. But I want to specify the second partition and we are going to specify the 2500 got bin iOS file. Now, I'm going to just make sure that we have the file saved in the appropriate location, Which I was able to do so.

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We have a saved in a proper location, And one thing I just want to point out: I specify the file name is 2500 dot bin. Usually the file names are a lot longer and the syntax of how their creative specifies. If it's say a standard, IP iOS file, If it's say advanced IP enterprise, Things along those lines or feature sets, But just to simplify this example, I renamed it to 2500 dot, Been to make things a little bit easier. Now the address or name of the remote host, What that is, That is the address of the tftp server, Which will be grabbing this from so that's: 192, 168 1 dot, 99 source file, Name as I meant to be for 2500 got bin destination file.

Names 2500 got bin, So we could take the default there. Just waiting a second for this to process. You notice, A error. Just came up that timed out.

I bet you. I forgot to start the tftp server. Yes, So a little bit of trouble shooting here. Let's start the tftp server by clicking the start, Server start button, Notices loaded up the settings will bounce right back here to our hyperterminal session and copy the FTP flash take the default for the host closest remembered it file names. And now it's going to prompt us to are we sure we want to erase the flash before copying? There's nothing on it.

So I could say no and, As you see the exclamation points as in our previous article with ping and traceroute, That signifies a successful perception of a packet. So this is going to take a few seconds. So I'm going to pause the article while this is transpiring.

we're back, And since I was at eight megabuck poliscI all the exclamation points for the successful data transfers and it took two hundred and thirty-three seconds so it took almost four minutes. Well, That's that's not too bad. Now. One thing we'd like to do is I like to cover: if we need to back up a version of iOS to a tftp server, How do we do that? Well, The command is really the same, Just reverse.

So let me show you an example. What you would do is copy, Instead of from the tftp server to the flash it's going to be from flash we're going to pull the file from partition to 2500 got bin and we're going to copy it to the tftp server. Now, Before we do that, I'm going to bring up this server storage directory, Which, If you remember that's the directory, It is configured on our tftp, Server, Cease c colon, Backslash, Cisco kits tftp, Server, Server storage and here's the file that we copied over. What I'm going to do is delete this so once the net to the recycle bin.

So this way I could prove to you that this does actually work. So now, What we'll do will minimize that we still have our server started? The FTP servers service started and it's running what we want to do we'll go back here, Address or name of the remote host, Which is a tftp, Server, 192, 168, 1 dot 99. In our example, Destination file name 2500 dot bin. You can see it's starting to copy on over.

What I'm going to do is again I'm going to pause the article weight forward to finish and then we'll come back to see the results. We're back and, As you could see that copied over in 124 seconds. So, Just over two minutes, And primarily that's because of how it writes to a hard drive compared to how it's burnt to the flash so a little bit more quickly going back to the tftp server. Well, I hope you found this article to be of use and it helps you prepare for your cisco, CCNA certification. We'Re sure you'll quickly find that hands-on, Real-world experience is the best way to cement the CCNA concepts and I'll help. You pass your CCNA exam for more information on how you can obtain affordable, CCNA or CCNP study kits as well as find more of these valuable CCNA study topics.

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