I'm gonna be talking about the new CCNP Enterprise certification. What is it, How does it work? What does it replace? What does it take to achieve this CCNP Enterprise certification and are there any continuing education credits that you can achieve on how to recertify and things like that, So I'm your host CCNP stuff, Let's get into it. So what is this CCNP Enterprise certification? Well, Starting February 24th of next year 2020, The new CCNP enterprise certification is going to be live and it's going to comprise of the current CCNP routing and switching track wireless and the CC design professional exam. So no longer will you have a CCNP in those specific areas, T will all be one and you will have a CCNP enterprise certification and then, If you take extra exams within this track, You will get special badges in I'll get into that.
So the good thing about this CCNP enterprise certification. There are no prerequisites: to get your CCNP in routing, Switching wireless or design. You actually have to have a CCNA in it to achieve that CCNP now with the enterprise, You can go straight to CCNP level.
No prereqs! You don't need your CCNA now to get your CCNP enterprise. You have to pass two exams before you had to pass three to four exams, But now it's only two and one of those exams is the 300 - 401 encore, Which is the implementing and operating system enter prize network core technologies. So you have to take this exam to get that's mandatory and then you take one of these concentration exams. Whatever you want to take it in once you pass both those exams, Then you will get your CCNP enterprise certification.
Now, Once you achieve this, How do I recertify well just like the old TCM peas good for three years, So it's valid, But to recertify? All you have to do. Is you can take an exam? You can take an exam and get continuing continuing education credits or you can just take continuing education itself. So if you just want to do exams, What you have to do is you have to pass one of the technology core exams so, Like I mentioned in this last slide, If you take this exam again, The 300 - 400 one encore for CMP enterprise.
You take that again, Your certification will be valid for another three years or you can take a core exam in another technology like CCNP security or CCNP collaboration, Or something like that. If you don't want to take a core exam, Then you you can take to professional concentration exams. So again you can go back here and let's say I got my CCNP enterprise in 401 and 410 and I need to recertify.
So what I need to do is pass, Let's say for 15 and for 20 that is two exams, So that will recertify me or I could pass the CCIE lab exam. If you don't want to do two exams, Then you can do one exam in continuing education. So pass any professional concentration exam and then also obtain for TCE credits.
So now CED credits are being passed on from the IE level down to CCNA and CCNP. Then we move on to continuing education. Only. You have to obtain 80 credits to recertify in CCNP enterprise.
For example, You can take a professional level training course like Cisco IP route. That will give you four for TCE credits or you could take something on Cisco learning securing networks with Cisco firepower. That is for TCE credits as well, And then I have this link here and then you can go to and it'll show you what it takes and if there's any training that you want to do, How many credits that t take.
One awesome thing about this new CCNP Enterprise. Is you pass that core exam, The 300 - 401 encore? That is your new CCIE written exam? So no longer do you have to take a written exam, The CCIE level, Written exam and the CCIE lab? If you have your CCNP enterprise, That's the pre req for the CCIT lab exam for CCIE enterprise. So starting next year there will be another CCIE enterprise certification. But it's going to be the version 10 and all you have to do is take the lab. But you have to pass 300 - 401, Pretty awesome.
Now badging, Let's say let me go back a few slides. Let's say I get my CCNP enterprise in 401 and 410, But then I recertified and I have these other types of exams that I took. I will actually be recognized in those tests that I took so I'll. Get a specialty, Certification or specialty. Badging is what t're calling so, Let's say as of right now I have to CCNPs , And this is true.
I do have to see CPS in routing and switching and In Design. So what does that mean when it crosses over into the new CCNP Enterprise certifications? Do I just lose all that credit that I got yes and no so to get my CCNP in routing, Switching and design, I had to take three tests for routing switching and then I had to get my CCNA in design and then take that arch exam for CCDP, But there's this tool on Cisco's website that you can use and you can apply all your certs, That you've taken and all the tests that you've taken and it'll migrate it to this new CCNP enterprise tool, And it will give you these specialty badging. So I'll go through this with you, So so, For example, Let's say you have your CCNP and routing and switching that's three tests. You will receive your CCNP Enterprise, Cert and two specialist' certifications, Enterprise, Core and then Enterprise advanced infrastructure implementation.
What happens if you have your CCDP, You will get your Enterprise cert and then two specialty certs enterprise core with Enterprise design and then. Lastly, If you have your CCNP Wireless again, You'll get your Enterprise cert with two special specialist', Certifications, Wireless design and then Wireless implementation. So that's actually pretty cool this website right here. This will tell you everything about this CCNP Enterprise certification and if you click migration, You can go to this migration tool and it'll show you what certs you have and then how it'll apply to this new CCNP Enterprise cert.
So let's say I do have my CCDP right now and I have an hour past all three of these exams. Here's what you'll get there you go if I have my CCNP before February 24th and I passed these exams. These are the certifications with this specialty exam that I will get pretty cool.
So this wraps up my article about the new CCNP Enterprise certification, Leave a comment below tell me what you think about the new CCNP Enterprise exam. Do you like it? Is it bad? Is this gonna be better for the future?
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