Are, You about to study for the Cisco 350 401 encore exam and need a little primer on the subject of SD access. Well, This articles, For you ! What's going on EveDumps and I am thrilled that you are joining me for this little introduction to the SD access feature, Don't make the mistake of fearing the unknown for many of you coming from a route switch and T shoot environment, You may look At the blueprint for the Encore exam and go whoa all this SD stuff, SD standing for Software Defined and as we're gonna see this just really. Isn'T that bad? What you need to know just from an SD access standpoint, And let me explain to you where we're gonna, Deep dive, Ronnie Wong and I an IT Pro TV - have been really enjoying doing the deep dives into some of these specific technologies. But it's important to understand what the SD access solution looks like from a bird's eye view.

Let's take a look at the architecture right here. You can see it starts with physical stuff. That's right! Just because there's Software Defined Networking doesn't mean that you'll be out of a job t're still going to be physical equipment that you need to, You know, Take care of, Even if you don't plan on getting into the high-end architectural. You know Software Defined stuff, But it's not that difficult.

So I encourage you to master at all. Anyways we've got our routers or switches our wireless equipment and then there's two hardware components granted the ice every time I've ever implemented it. It was as a virtual machine, But since the Cisco DNA Center and the identity service engine can be disseminated as physical appliances we've gotten there in the physical layer and those are two components that are going to make the SD access solution a reality. Now, As we move up to the network layer notice, We get into a concept that is common in Software Defined solutions, And that is, There is an underlay which is super fun to say under the underlay is where we are going to have our traditional routing mechanisms Or layer 2 mechanisms, If we're like rapid, Spanning tree protocol in a layer to environment, The underlay is all of that stuff, Including the connections between the devices that we've set up. And then the overlay at the network layer goes on top of that and makes all the software-defined magic happen.

So the overlay is going to consist of Lisp as the control protocol. It's going to feature the X LAN as the data plane protocol and then it's going to feature Cisco's trust sack as what's called a policy plane of operation there at the network layer. So that overlay is the magic that allows the SD access solution to be heavily.

Automated and to be able to easily adapt, As we are moving components from one place in the physical access layer. It looks like just a physical access layer to them right as we're moving people in the access layer around and as devices are roaming and all that stuff is taking place. It can just seamlessly adapt thanks to those overlay components. So, At the controller layer we've got our identity service engine.

CCNP 300-810 Questions

This is going to be our triple-a entity. This is going to be the device, That's really making sure we can implement Cisco trucks, Trusts set for policy and then the Cisco DNA center notice one level up at the management layer. We have the Cisco DNA Center GUI and this allows for automation. It allows for design policy, Implementation, Provisioning and network assurance capabilities, Including machine learning analysis of your network, So that this DNA Center controller can really take your devices through their entire life cycle.

It's not just about making sure the devices can. You know react flexibly when you want to do different stuff, So I thought I would wrap up this overview with a little fun exercise here. Let's take a look at a sample, Drag and drop like you might see in your exam environment.

I tried to compose this and we'll do so in future articles to be as absolutely difficult as possible right. Don'T you love when practice questions are more difficult than the real thing you go into the real exam and you're like wow. This is super simple. Thanks to those practice, Questions that I took so this dragon dropped, Probably a bit more difficult than you would actually see in the exam environment.

So we have these components on the left of the software-defined access solution and over on the right we have the little slots. We got to drag them to what I would do. If I were you from a strategy.

Standpoint here is look for any obvious ones to you on the left or the right so, For example, The management layer, As I'm looking, I see well that could be the identity service engine or it could be the data center graphical user interface. What's the best answer there, I'm gonna go ahead with the DNA Center GUI at the management layer. That's gonna take the identity service engine by the way and as I'm looking at what else there is over on the right, That's going to take it and put it all the way down at that physical layer. That's where it would go in this presentation and then as you're looking at these you see is, Is or as Bill Clinton once said, It depends on what your definition of is is. It was the worst Bill.

Clinton impression ever so is is, Is a routing protocol that is making a huge comeback. I'Ve had a blast teaching it in the end, Sled certification exam, That's one of the electives that you could take. In addition to encore it's the it's.

The 420 exam - 420 yo man, Alright anyways so is is, Is actually the underlay technology here. Can you believe it? So we slide intermediate system to intermediate system into our underlay as part of that technology, And then this is where it gets super tricky. We could identify lisp, +, VX, LAN and cisco, Just sec as being our overlay technologies, But what specific overlay technologies? Well, You might remember from our discussion a moment ago.

We would put the cisco trust set at the policy layer there. We would put the Lisp at the control layer and VX LAN at the data layer. One of the reasons that VX land isn't the control, Plane, Intelligence there or better way to state it. Why Lisp isn't used as the data plane is that VX land can handle both layer, 2 designs and layer 3 designs without an issue where lists would be limited more to the layer, 3 type of encapsulation? So this is a multiple drag-and-drop.

If you wish to have all the perks of being certified with the exam, you should checkout the CCNP 300-810 Questions offered in the EveDumps’s Bootcamp Program.


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