If you have decided ccnp enterprise certification is for you, You have come to the right place in today's article. I will go deep into the various ccnp enterprise certification topics, So you have a pretty good understanding of the fundamentals and the skills you need to become ccnp certified with that, Let's roll the intro today. My goal is to talk about ccnp enterprise certification.

Let's do a deep dive analysis of this certification with that, Let's go ahead and take a look at the mechanics of this certification. So the very first thing is achieving. This certification means that you have skills for managing enterprise networks and what does that mean we'll get into those details when we look at the exam topics here, But first off, I want to bring your attention to a very important matter, And that is to get this Certification, You have to pass two exams and one is the core technologies exam and one is a concentration exam. Let me quickly touch on that. I'm gonna skip through some of the detail here and take you directly to the to the exams.

We'Re talking about core exam is consistent of this cert right here: 350-401: encore implementing and operating cisco enterprise network core technologies. So that's a core exam. This is an exam that you must take if you want to become ccnp enterprise certified this exam alone is not going to make you ccnp enterprise certified. You must take one of the concentration exams and look at let's see how many we got.

We got about six different choices to pick from, So what we can do is if you're into hardcore routing and switching, Then you should pick either the the first option or the third option, Because these are more in-depth routing and switching focused. If you are going to be implementing sd-wan or if you have a job, Where you're being tasked with evaluating sd-wan solutions or if you're an engineer hired to implement sd-wan for your company, Then the 300 415 certification would be the best fit for you. If you are a wireless engineer, Then 300-425 and 300-430 would be excellent choices.

300-415 Dumps

And, Finally, If you are going to be in the new and hot area of automation, Then you need to be looking at the 300-435 certification. So what that means is you pass the encore exam first and then you take any of the concentration exams, And then you become ccnp enterprise certified with a specialized focus in an area that is most relevant to you and your organization. That being said, A very important element that I would like to bring to your attention is the pre-requisite, A big change this year in the ccna and ccnp curriculum has been that you no longer are required to pass a ccna exam to be qualified for ccnp. So you can bypass ccna and go directly to ccnp.

My recommendation to you is: if you have few years of experience under your belt, Then I think you can totally skip ccna, But I think for about 90 percent of the audience you will be better served. Taking the ccna exam first and then taking the ccnp exam, Because n a is a baseline in when I get into the exam topics here, You will see that there's a lot of overlap between ccna and ccnp and that's not to say that you can skip Ccna, But that's to actually show you that once you take ccna exam ccnp is gonna, Be a lot easier for you, Because you have already covered most of those topics, At least at a high level in ccna. And then, When you walk into ccnp, You go slightly deeper, But you're not completely blind to those topics and t're not brand new to you. So that being said, Let me scroll up and go deep into the encore exam here. We click on encore click on exam topics and what we do next is we go ahead and download the pdf document.

First of all, It's a 120 minute exam, That's two hours and, As I mentioned previously in my ccna article, You roughly get about a minute and a half to two minutes for each question. Now it might sound like that's too little, But trust me if you have ever taken any cisco exam before you would know that that's more than enough, Because by the time you're ready to actually take the exam, Because you go through so many different types of Quizzes and exam prep solutions, In other words, Either know the answer or you don't. You really don't have to think much at that point and if you really have to think hard, Those should only be very few questions that are much deeper or more difficult topics which is understandable right.

Let's examine this exam in more detail, So, First of all the very first section of this exam 15, That's the architecture and what you would see is in 11. You will cover the basics of tier 2 and tier 3 design fabric capacity planning. First top redundancy protocols like vrp hsrp, Will go deeper here than ccna, Of course, And then the next topic is around the wireless lan, Which is 12. The one below that 13 is on-prem versus cloud infrastructure 14 is about sd-wan and 15 is about sd. Access 16 is about wired and wireless key.

Os 17 is the basics of cisco, Express forwarding, Mac address, Table tcam table and that wraps up the first section. The second section of this exam is virtualization and that's about 10 small percentage, But nevertheless important here we get to talk about differences between type 1 hypervisor versus type 2. What's a virtual machine, What's a virtual switch we'll then talk about a vrf which stands for virtual routing and forwarding, Then we get into the different type of tunneling technologies and specifically we'll talk about gre and ipsec tunnels. Then I will cover network virtual virtualization things like less and vxlan and that wraps up the second section of this exam section three is the largest portion of this exam and that's infrastructure. So here we'll discuss layer, Two technologies, 32 is layer.

3 32 is layer, 3 technologies, Eigrp ospf. You know your routing protocols. 33 is all about wireless, We'll get into the details there and then ip services, Things like ntp and nat and multicast. And then you get into section four, Which is ten percent of the exam network assurance. And in this section we cover a different type of troubleshooting and analysis tools like snmp and syslog and trace route and remote logging and netflow in ipsla and spanport.

We'll also talk about cisco dna center and the next section after that is security. Here we'll talk about how to configure and verify basic level security on a router or switch different type of infrastructure security features like access control, Lists, Control, Plane, Policing, Rest, ApI security, Wireless security network security design right. So here we go into what I call defense and depth so threat defense, Endpoint security, Next-gen, Firewall, Trustsec, Maxsec, 8021x. Finally, Section 6 is all automation.

15 of the exam automation is very, Very important. That's an area, That's exploding in the industry right now and you will be best served if you actually got right into it during your studies for ccnp, So you're comfortable with how that works. So we'll talk about things like python, Scripting and constructing a json encoded file and a yang model data model and cisco dns center and vmanage apis and rest apis and rest con embedded event, Manager, Eem various orchestration tools, Such as chef, Puppet ansible and salt stack.

If you wish to make your career in network, the Certifications is considered to be the best certification, to jump-start your career. But gaining this certification isn’t considered to be that much easy. You have to go through lots and lots of study process unless you have the help of the 300-415 Dumps offered at the EveDumps.


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