we will talk about some advanced things that we will talk about the first half or the first like third of the article, Not really be that advanced. It will be like some notes about when you decide that you will definitely apply port of service or implement QoS in your network. How will you do that if it was like a big network and multiple routers and layer 2 switches, I'm sorry, A multi-layer switch is on the way. Well, Some color is some things that might you might be wondering about what like copy and paste the same config. All the way will it be different and so on, And the problem is that, It might be different.

The reason why is that you have different devices in the way different hardware is different. Software's all the time. Some switches depends like process QoS, Based on the hardware, Some routers process it based on the software. The hardware is implementation that you cannot break it or exceed it.

Software is not a limitation, It can be modified later by a software upgrade or a hotfix and so on on a patch. But the idea will be is that if all the devices were identical in the specifications, All all that all of the devices were interchangeable or different or variable, And the capabilities and hardware and software specific specs, What can I do? Well, Actually, The idea will be using two different types of what's called the quality of service application in your network. The first application is called the integrated services. Particulate itself is the meaning that a unified QoS settings will be applied all the way, The same tools, The same detailed specifications of classified this type of traffic is very high. The marketing will do the same marks: on all of the devices and bar or the NBAR will all have the same details and the same features are copied and pasted and all all the devices all the way, The same, Releasing the same, Shaping happening and the Most important the queuing and scheduling to know that which one will be queued first, Which one will be queued last , So you might like.

I have a 10 hope or whatever and X, Hope of hopes or devices in your way from the source up to the destination and integrated services, We will use something called the resource reservation protocol, Also known as Alice VP. This means that all the way the same tools are applied, Having the same specifications and features enabled and modified or configured by detailed, All of the all of them are identical. Ok, So the idea will be that queuing for the UDP traffic will always be very high. Here here in this place in this place and this place reaching to the specific destination - maybe it's a server this way, But if it was different, Then UDP will be preferred all this way and a bottom that will happen here because UDP or is not preferred for Some reasons that I will talk about in minutes - , So UDP will be slow from this through these two hops until it reaches hope, Maybe it will go back to become either medihigh or very high prioritized traffic to continue reaching the server on the destination.

Ok, So an integrated services by using the RSVP, Everything should be identical all the way or if not all, Of the devices are yours, Not all of them are under control and the load control. Maybe those devices here those three devices, International devices, That all of them belongs like to a tier one, Big known ISP in Europe, Maybe t control all or half of Europe or Asia. But this is these are your main routers. This is your branch router or like googlecom router, That you would like to communicate or contact with and regional services. So you cannot access this device. Definitely you cannot modify this device.

Maybe you fail to reach to agree to those specifications in the contract that you sign on the provide. The reason: why is that the provider has its own policies and t will not change it for you, . So this way you will have to use. What's called the second application of QoS, And that is differentiated services and differentiate, Differentiating services, Each hop has its unique settings. Yes, This is unfortunate.

This is sad. We cannot control that. Maybe at least you have your router's, Your routers here you can't control them using the same queueing, Scheduling, Shaping and whatever all of those.

But you cannot control these. You cannot guess their behavior and QoS and unfortunately, Let's hope for the best that your UDP traffic or your preferred type of traffic will always reach the destination player pure and without drops, Or lost. And this way we will use what's called as a pair of behavior, The phb instead of the RSVP in the integrated services, Option integrated services option.

So this is just a brief, Like discussion about those two types of QoS applications that you might face or senior network. The last topic and the new topic that we will discuss today, Is something very important and it will simplify all what I have discussed in the previous like 45 minutes. All the tools, Of course, Will be simplified in 3, Simple policies that you'll apply right now. Ok, No talk about them.

We will not implement them in them, Really because Cisco, Say describe and discuss. Qos policies are components not configured or troubleshoot. Ok, Maybe in the NRC we will see some troubleshooting and configuring regarding the QoS and maybe in chapter 4, And this course, Let me see it later on. You have the agenda already, But the idea will be that everything that I have talked about in the first two: articles of policing, A classification marking, Policing, Shaping queuing scheduling, Six types of tools tools. All of those I don't forget, Even even congestion, Management and avoidance.

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Each one of them had a ton of tools inside it, , So there are a lot of tools. The idea is that how would t really apply into real environments in the real life? Unfortunately, It was applied per interface. If you have a giant router in your network and t sell edge router that faces an isp faces the internet and connects your main network or your main building to ten branch through the internet. At the same time, It connects all of your branch to the isp that provides internet services for all of your branch and all of those different services and other partner companies as well. Applying those various types of tools, Wise, Definitely manual under each interface, So we'll have to enter each interface, And if you have an eagerness interface, Imagine the amount of tools of QoS that you should apply and specifically in detail.

You should specify all the features. All the numbers or the prioritize, A prioritization and classification marking and queuing and so on. All of them were done by the engineer and the every interface . Maybe you can copy the config mattified a bit and apply it on the second interface, But still a ton of conflict was applied to your egress and ingress interfaces in one single out.

the idea later was that we will do something that, From now on, We will never configure QoS tools under interfaces or per interface. We will configure QoS tools globally in the global config mode, And then we will tell each interface that you should look at the global config when a congestion happens. This is the idea. So you log in to a router, You apply.

Classification and marking may be shaping, And, Lastly, Queuing and some scheduling globally and that's it. You will just inform the interfaces that you are English. You are egress, You should both look at the global QoS config. What a congestion happens that is called some hammock.

You see this way. My pen, Please, , All of this new features of global QoS are called the mqc which stands for module on QoS command line, So applying chaos tools globally, Multiple tools will be available for multiple ports and uses. See this.

You can do something like create tree scheduling, Policies, , Globally, And create like three different classification marketing policies globally and then inform that, Let's see, Classification type, One, Two three scheduling one, Two, Three all of them later on. You will for interface number one that when you receive and congested interface, A congested traffic heading to interface, Zero, Six then use this classification and this scheduling criterion this way. But this interface was coming from the same source heading to another destination area. This interface use the same classification like features or specs, But with this axiom scheduling like features or scheduling, Specifications and then egress it or scheduler to be egressed from this interface, You see so this will be brilliant, Like you'll in a configure some mobile tools - and you Can make use of giant matrix of tools of Cure's tools globally in the device? Just inform the interface about how it should behave, And that's it ok, So to achieve that will require order. Router or the in Cisco device requires three policies.

Number one class map as policy map and the syllabus policy: ok, So starting with number one last one. This is creating a list that identifies and matches some characteristics of traffic. This is that, Familiar to you like identifying a characteristic of traffic and lighter after I identify that this traffic is coming from the stores heading to this destination, Using a UDP service. What was that in the previous articles? It was classification and marking, Ok, So class Maps is the new classification method or criteria that QoS use it when you enable and QC or when you use and QC in Martin's. This happen this way Cisco devices. Ok, So it creates a list and inside that list says that whenever you receive a traffic from this source heading to this destination and the service was TCP 80 and HTTP, Not an HTTP 30 VDP la Penelope, Not whatever then match it and classify it as like Class map double and that's it - your reaction will be taking .

That laughter will say that, , Whenever I receive a traffic that has all of those characteristics match that I can call this traffic as traffic that belongs to class map number one and then and then we should create a policy map. Let's see what the policy map will do to a type of traffic that was recognized as class map number one. A policy map will match a class map so inside a router this interface book. This is a small cross. Listen to face receive some traffic that has poor characteristics. All the four characteristics matches the same characteristics that the engineer mentioned in quality map, And so any class map number one.

So this type of traffic had the tag of it belonged to class map number one done and later on. The engineer should do step number two step number two will be creating the policy map a policy map when it's created inside a router. It matches a class map and then it applies an action to that class map. You remember a few minutes ago. I said that when you receive a traffic from interface number, One heading turn to face number six then classified as very important and schedule it.

By using this schedule, Scheduler specs, Like the very high, Give it forty percent of the queue and schedule it the first one to be queued out. T hide thirty percent and later and the law and the mediand so on so forth. This way, So a policy map will catch all over march, A last map and then one said whenever a traffic that matches class map number one.

I will once with this traffic to this egress interface and tag it with scheduler or queue or shape or policing or whatever number one, Also, , So this chapter 'fuck will be cured by using the cue number one criteria that was global, Created or will be or Policed by using like shaping or queuing out, Leasing number one in the modular or the global config area that was global configured. This is the idea, So the same class map can be merged multiple times on multiple phases. I said that before each time a different action will be taken, Maybe if it was heading for cube like interface 0 5, Which will be queued for a different criteria of queueing that will be used if the destination was fast, Even 0, 7. Ok, So one last thing one really important last thing to use is: we need a service policy. Ok, My service policy is applying the policy map that we have talked about because right now this is a class map, And this is a policy map.

a policy map will be this way. Some class map feature is written inside the policy map, And some next action to be taken regarding this class map are the traffic that resides or matches this class map. One last thing is to take this entire policy map, With all its components of the next action and class map and apply it to an interface either inbound or outbound.

If you remember, Access control, Lists, ACLs and you all done in your CCNA and we're all done. The new CCMP and all the courses in history, , There will always be an ACL and access list, Even if the new this one in chapter 3 and in chapter 4 will have advanced features of ICL's. So if you remember an ACL ACL and not never worked before, If you did not log in to an interface and specify this interface as an ACL number one in or out so that only when an ingress traffic heads inside this interface, It will provoke the interface To stop the traffic for microseconds, Look for the global config, Seek some policy and class maps that might match the same criteria that came in that frame. That is like entering or increasing this interface.

So one last thing: we will need to create the service policy. Instead, The service policy, We will say interface like fascism of 0 1, Apply policy Mach number 100 as inbound only so there was an Eagles into traffic from here. It will not be cure worst by using this policy, All class map only for ingress interfaces. I'm sorry, English traffic that are heading inside that is heading inside the interface.

Ok. So this is the last thing provoke the interface to look for the Polish mob. The policy map will say that this class map, If it was matched, Then I will apply this next action to it and that's it.

So we will just like have, Let's assume something very like easy for the class map and the poll on the policy maps. If you control the entire enterprise network - and you would like to enable RSVP and the integrated services, Then copy and paste the same global config to other devices in the way we can just modify the service policies by changing the name of the interfaces and the inbound And outbound matching and that's it that's all we can do and the mqc that will be much more simpler than the old way of few OS by your interface conflict. . So this should be the end, Of course, In the chapter one: , In the new CCM enterprise core course. This is the English version and the hope that you did make a lot of benefit of it.

It's much more detailed than the CCNA version when we have talked about QoS like in a few minutes, And it was not very detailed and was not explained in this way, And the mqc or all of those policies was not mentioned before. The reason why it was mentioned here that one in every gate to the blueprint you will see that I should describe or discuss who he was topics number one. He was components we have talked about them in two articles and number two to US policies that we have discussed today in a matter of 15 minutes. So I hope that all of that was informative for you, Player digestive anything. You would like to comment.

The comment area are available always below this article and I hope to see you in the upcoming article, Which will be the last topic to discuss in chapter 1 architecture of this course thanks again and .

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