welcome to CCNP Enterprise online patch, So this is the latest CCNP Enterprise syllabus, Which is being released by Cisco. So we are covering two module here. One is end core, Which is a core exam. Can one is concentration which is advanced routing which which is called as NRC? Ok, So, Let's see, Let's go through the presentation.
Let's see what we have here, Ok, So so let me first quickly introduce myself. My name is saga. Ccna CCNP certified. I am working as network security engineer. I have 10 plus years of network experience and my skill sets are routing switching security data center network automation, And fine and I'm also a corporate trainer.
I usually train the students from various companies like Infosys Wipro Theseus, So basically, I've been called upon to like teach CCNA CCNP Network automation. Ok, So so that was a quick introduction about myself. So, Let's see what do we have for CC and P? Well so YC c and b I mean so I I believe you all are CCNA certified, And now you want to move towards CCNP right, So you want to basically climb the ladder.
So you want to get into CCNP level, Which is a professional level right. So by ccnp ba-bye, Why do you think ccnp is required, So I have written down few points? Ok, So let's talk from the start, So let's say in job availability. Yes, That is true. So 80% of network engineers are already CCNA .
So there is a tough competition in the market, So you have to upgrade your skill to CCNP as soon as possible, So that you can you can crack any interview. You can crack any job that is you're. Looking for , Salary potential is high ccnp engineers, Because you're probably a senior now, , You, You are already three plus years of experience or four plus years of experience, So so company don't want you to be limited to only CCNA. .
Ccna is just a foundation program, So you have to go towards ccnp and then you can expect salary increment promotions in your current role. Regarding skill recognization. So basically you are CCNA certified. Now you have to upgrade your skills.
so under CC and PB you'd be going through multiple latest technology like advanced routing, , Estevan network programs, Network programmability or network automation. We have VPNs. So this is why ccnp the letter, C C and P will help you to upgrade your skills. The next point is, You will have opportunity to keep up with the technology right. That is true, Because the latest CCNP is focusing on advanced topics, Advanced routing.
Switching apart from routing switching, You will be going through the network, Automation topics like python ansible. Also, You have topic like SD van VPNs, So there are a lot of advanced topic that has been introduced for the first time in CCNP. Yes, If you know all this technology, Your resume is going to be more powerful. Then those engineers who are CCNA certified only , So the per the student who is just CCNA certified and the engineer who is ccnp certified.
So basically, There will be lot of upgraded skills that you can include in your resume. The job growth will definitely progress or definitely will improve, Or definitely you are going to see lot of job growth, Because once your CCNP certified you are, You can expect a core networking kind of jobs. So you can see yourself doing the changes or preparing the configuration plants or doing some changes directly on the CLI, And so on so advanced things which, Which a professional, Basically the professional, Is expected. Similar way, You can see yourself eligible for advanced certification. After CCNP, You can easily attempt CCI, It becomes more easier for you to try CCI, You can, Or else you can go, Go and do some other tracks in CCNP like security or data center.
it's all up to you and, You can travel to different countries if, If you're ccnp, If you are a senior, So basically you can, Can you can get a chance to go on-site? so these are all benefit for a ccnp. A CCNA guy is very least, There is a very least chances that this session CCNA guy, Is being sent to on-site. So always RCC, NP or CCI network engineers are preferred.
Well, So let's go to the next slide. So, Regarding the prerequisite so in case you've been following the new syllabus, So there is no prerequisite for CCNP . So there is no prerequisite. But if you been not aware of the latest syllabus, If you, If you are still following the 2019 syllables, So basically CCNA was prerequisite to enter ccnp routing, Switching , Which used to consist of three papers: routing, Switching and troubleshooting. But now this has been absolute.
. So we have no prerequisite for ccnp. A student can directly write CCNP the he has nothing to do with CC, But always foundation is advisable because CCNA is giving you the basic foundation. So it's always advisable, But CCNA is no more a prerequisite.
So under CCNP you have two subjects or two tracks earlier you had three now you have only two, So you have to do the core and then you have to do the concentration. So core consists of 120 questions so where you will learn regards to routing switching the design part all those things, Whereas under concentration you have optional papers like you can go with Estevan, You can pick s divine. You can pick VPN, You can pick a wireless or you can pick advanced routing switching, So you have multiple options.
so we are going with a CCNP core, Which is 120 marks or 2 in 120 minutes and then for concentration. We are going with an RC. Where we will be reading about the advanced routing switching, So these are the two topics that will be discussed in this course content. So so I have written the same thing. There is no formal prerequisite. You can directly start with CCNP, , And the best preferred would be someone who knows CCNA, Who has quite a good number of experience in the networking, So that CCNP topics becomes easier for such engineers.
well, The same question which I thought of including in a different slide, Is CCNA still required for ccnp 2020. No, ! I can straight away start with CCNP Enterprise. I don't have to do CCNA, , So that is a cool news. That is a good news from Cisco.
We don't have to do CCNA. We can straight away write CCNP, , So this is something which I wanted to show you . So this is a hierarchy of the course tracks.
the hierarchy based course content. So this is CCNA associate program, , Which comes under associate and where RV we are over here under profession, , So under CCNP Enterprise. This is my core paper. So let me, Let me tell you so basically this is the core paper under CCNP, Which consists of 120 minutes and the second paper, Which is called as concentration.
I have options, I can go with advanced routing, I can go with Estevan or I can go with wireless or I can go with Auto automation. So I have multiple tracks. I would be covering up routing switching. I would be covering the advanced routing switching. So what are we going to learn in this course? Module is the core paper of 120 minutes and NRC the advanced routing, Switching, Which consists of VPN network design architecture, Which consists of 90 minutes? Ok, So these are the two tracks now. The good thing about CCNP is the written paper the end core paper.
This holds good with your CCI as well. Ok, So that is why it is listed under CCI. Now you don't have to go to CCI and then once again write written people. So pretty. Ok, Your CCNP core is valid for CCI written. That is why, Under CCI return, You see and core paper what about laughs, See shall laugh for CCL laughs.
You can take any one from this and then you can be CCI certified. Ok, So we will be also starting up CCI certification soon. So, Let's first focus on ccnp because you need to build a solid foundation and then go to CC because CCI is for someone who is expert , So someone who is giving that design. Someone who is giving the architecture, So you need to be very good with your foundation, So so give give lot of concentration on ccnp, , Which consists of two paper. One is core paper and the advanced routing, Switching , So this was regards to the track hierarchy.
Let's move on to the next slide. Well, So this is the officials is a CCNP page . So what is the difference between the old CCNP that is 2019 with respect to the new CC? Nb? 2020? so, As I told you now, Ccnp, The new CCNP has only two modules. One is called as core, Which consists of 120 minutes and the second one is called as NRC: , Advanced routing and switching, Which consists of 90 minutes your older CCNP.
your older CCNP used to be three different tracks. One is route switch and troubleshooting. Now now we don't have to deal with three people's ok, It has been easier for us. So I'll start up with this, Which is code paper, And then we will move towards and hartsey, Which is advanced, Routing and switching advanced routing and switching - and this is the example - ok. 350. 350 4:01 is your core, Which is mandatory.
There is no option here and as an option, You have these paper and I am going to cover three hundred four one: zero fine. So I hope we are good with the course content. What are we going to learn in this course? let's move on to the next topic right: , So what are we expected to learn in the first paper? That is the core paper, Which consists of 120 minutes, So we are going to read about dual stacks: architecture, Virtualization infrastructure, Network assurance security and automation; , A very solid course for someone who is looking looking forward in the network career path; , A very solid And very good syllabus, Similar with what do we have under that second topic, Which consists of 90 minutes? so the NRC, The advanced routing switching, Is going to be more on network design and implementation as deep and wireless and automation.
. So this is once again a very good code, So basically that 2020 CCNP is more practical . So it's going to be a lot of challenging codes for us to get completed and get moving on here .
So this is regards to the official PDF, Which I'll show you in few minutes: . So for now, Let's move on to the next slide. So this is the certification of the latest certification for 2020. So we are basically dealing with the professional level.
and then we can move on to the CCI so as along with that. For the first time see, Cisco has also launched the dev net program and if you are aware of our batches, So we are already started up with cisco certified definite association. If someone wants to have the courts enrolled for definite associate, You can contact me one-to-one so I'll.
Let you know about that. So, Let's, Let's be on the CCNP for now. So we are here. We are going to learn ccnp, Professional, Cisco, Certified network, Professional , But so, Let's move on to the next slide.
Well, So that's all from my side. Before winding up. Let me talk about the labs , So for a lab, I'm going to make use of gns3 or EB ng and the minimum configuration that would be required. Is I three with 8gb at least 8gb of RAM? The reason is, I'm going to make use of a large scale topology, Where, Where we can see four to eight switches, We can see 10 routers. We can see firewalls like a say, , So basically it is going to be three tire architecture: the lot of devices.
because we would be doing the technology configuration based on the real-time scenario - it's it's! It's not that just take two routers configure some protocol and test the behavior , So that that's something which usually the Institute to, But we are not going to do that. We are making use of the proper three tire architecture, , So just let me draw that. So let's say I have two routers, So this router connecting with is p1 and this getting connected with is p2 and then I am making use of a switch . Where I can have some its SRP configure and then I have multiple routers. Let's say I have oh s PF configured, So we will be checking out about OSPF, Filtering OSPF, LS, A manipulation.
and then this routers would be connected with one more switch in distribution from distribution. We would be having but multiple switches kept in distribution where we will be checking out the switching technology, And then we have all the servers or end users. T will be have the virtualization topics getting covered up, , So some kind of topology and we will be doing the real-time scenarios. Let me quickly show you the syllabus copy, , So the syllabus copy of CCNP and core, Which is 120 minutes this this. So the first chapter is about architecture.
Then we have virtualization, We have infrastructure, We have network assurance, , All regards to IPS early, All those things, And then we have security, And the last chapter is automation. Where we will be dealing with Python. We manage all those things fine regards to the core, The optional topic that is NRC advanced routing switching, So we have layer, Three technologies discussed, We are dealing with OSPF troubleshooting, We have VPN technologies.
we have dmvpn, We have IPSec spoke to spoke, Dynamic, Neighbor, And we have then network security dealing with all Triple A server and all the security concepts and the four top chapter, Which is the last chapter here. It consists of infrastructure services. All your DHCP VT by telnet all the protocols. So that's the next flow.
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