I took the encor 350 401 exam. It was my first opportunity that the company I am working for was given to me to be able to continue with my certifications present in person this time and unfortunately he failed it. It does not reach the specific score that is needed to pass.

What is 825 points, And this well not to mention. I stayed on that opportunity, And that is what I wanted to talk to you about in this article, Since there was no uploaded something else due to my times in which I have been investing a lot studying. I have said for this exam in core. I have been studying since January January and practically all of February, And even so I did not achieve the certification, But this well.

Well, We are going to give it the rest from the article ok. My score was 789 points to pass. You need 825, So I didn't stay that far, But it was also what annoyed me the most, Because it was very close or equal. And if I had gotten nothing more than two hundred three hundred points, Then I would not have felt sad.

But I have not been angry, As I feel at this moment because well he can not achieve it and he was not so much in the distance to be able to achieve it, But well things that things happen. That could have happened a long time ago and you're lucky and also dedicating time to study and everything that leads you to finalize the certification. What I can tell you about my experience. First, We are going to touch on the points of the exam. How many questions are there? There are 105 multiple-choice questions in total.

T are still the same as in the csn. What can I tell you about the study material? The truth is that t found me a course where t taught me most of all the topics. Well, I recommend that you look there. I do not have the topics of the exam at hand, But if not there, I will put them in the description of this article.

It is good if t are very well developed in the exam. If there are questions that are going to confuse you a lot, The answers seem quite good. As I said here at the bottom of the article I'm going to leave you the topics, I'm not going to get into that.

Much because the truth is, I don't feel like very, Very sure, Very qualified to be able to explain each topic to you, But, According to my experience, I can tell you that if the answers are a little confusing, T study the truth. Well, If t know, If t dominate the topics, It will not cost them any work in question of time. I think t gave me about two hours and I spend two and a half hours. I think of time I went and I did it. I think it didn't even take an hour, But it was like 50 minutes more or less.

I can tell you that well, Don't get depressed when I left. If I felt bad more because I am very committed to the company, I am with that. If, When I ask for the opportunity to take the exam to certify myself, It is because I am sure that I will pass it r.

I am not going to spend that money in vain also because after t give me two opportunities, The first one t pay me without the test, Because nothing happens like on this occasion and the next opportunity t give me is to pass it and if it did Not pass it, I will T deduct the money that this exam costs from what t pay me from my payroll. So what am I going to do if I am going to present it again? I hope to schedule it for two weeks from now. I think that by mid-March I am going to do the second.

Cisco CCNP 300-710 Dumps

I try and I think that from there my idea or my path will be defined according to what happens in terms of the certifications that I am going to do, Because, Because I tell you this being serious at this level, I think I did not master most Of it Of the topics, There are many things that I still have doubts about, And I think that at this point in my professional career, If I go and try to pass the next certification - and I don't pass it the second time - I think I'm not in The indicated level p To be able to and do it is not something that depresses me in a certain way, Thinking with a cool head, But more than anything, It makes me think that at this moment I still cannot prove that certification. That is nothing happens. I simply think that then I should change my path and instead of going directly to the certifications, It might be better to master the ccna level and after that I start to get involved now, So that I can specify them from snp. And that is my thought, And that is what I am going to do. I am going to go. I'm going to present again.

If I don't pass it well and this one, I 'll stay at the seseña level, I'm going to give it more desire to master all the topics and later, When I master them now, I'm going to get into the core ones and everything that I have to Carry to be able to become 60 is the idea that I have at this moment. That was the resolution and in the conclusion that I reached after leaving sad, Angry upset and well well, Nothing happens, Of course, That when I leave well Now, I felt very cockroach as the story of the person who went and took the CSI exam says, But Well, That's how hit happens as it says, In the forest comp movie, But well that's the idea. Another good detail. The important thing that I wanted to tell you is that if the school is a 50% discount code, Then that is also why I decided to take the exam again in short, To see if this time it accredited it and if not, Then at least t will Not take away so much money in my company here at the bottom of the article in the description, I am going to leave you the code so that if you want to present it or if you are not very sure you can cheer up and it will Be much cheaper. I remember that it seems I had it. I was not there sure to present it, But a discount code, Equal to 50 comes out and then take advantage and pay for it, And thanks to that, I get certified and thanks to that, I'm at the job where I'm currently working so cheer up there.

I'm going to leave the code I go, Then I put them here on the screen in the article right now that I edit the article and well, Nothing is more than nothing this the content. This article is already there when I present it again. Well, I hope to bring you good news. I 'm going I'm going to see this. What else I can to do to share the experience with you and now, As I don't have much time, You can try to upload the article quickly and well.

What can I tell you, As many of my colleagues told me, Is to fail, Is part of it as well as accrediting. The certification is very Well. I think that failing is also good, Because you realize many things. You realize all the points where you are well bad and you realize your areas of opportunity to improve to continue growing and well. There is no other way More than not do not give up, Keep wanting to continue studying, Of course and well.

This is more than more than a failure. It is one more motivation and to continue growing professionally, Then well. Well, The important points of this article recapping, The exam are 75 questions.

The questions are scrambled so that t study well and prepare and don't get overconfident. It lasts about two and a half hours. The exam, More or less of the questions are multiple choice and well. Between The most important point of this article, I am going to leave you with a 50 percent discount code that I did not come across in some group.

It is from Cisco. There is no penalty for using it, So I thought of that flight and apply it and pay for your certifications, Your exams, So that t can be certified then well. That would be the article. All very much and leave me your questions in the comments and there t are answering them and by mid-March I hope to bring another article with good news.

The Cisco CCNP 300-710 Dumps is a wonderful tool for evaluating your performance in terms of the number of questions you can answer and your ability to maintain a healthy level of stress during the final exam. Additionally, it supports you in planning for a buffer, which acts as a safety net for you throughout the Certification exam.


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