EveDumps CCNP 300-410 Exam Dumps
EveDumps is proud to offer high-quality and comprehensive exam dumps for the Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP) 300-410 Enterprise Advanced Routing and Services (ENARSI) exam. Our expertly designed question bank, also known as dumps, provides candidates with a unique advantage by simulating real exam scenarios and testing their knowledge in a manner that reflects the actual examination. With an emphasis on professionalism, logic, and creativity, EveDumps ensures that candidates are well-prepared to achieve success in their Cisco certification journey.
Cisco CCNP 300-410 ENARSI exam Topics
The Cisco CCNP 300-410 ENARSI exam focuses on the following topics and their respective weightage in the exam:
- Layer 3 Technologies (35%)
- VPN Technologies (20%)
- Infrastructure Security (20%)
- Infrastructure Services (25%)
To access the official exam blueprint and further details, please visit the Cisco website at the following link: https://learningnetwork.cisco.com/s/enarsi-exam-topics
CCNP 300-410 ENARSI exam Details
The CCNP 300-410 ENARSI exam is part of the Enterprise concentration exams. Candidates are required to pass the core exam, CCNP 350-401 ENCOR (Enterprise Core), as well as one of the concentration exams to achieve the CCNP Enterprise certification. Other concentration exams in the same track include:
- 300-415 ENSDWI: Enterprise SD-WAN Implementation
- 300-420 ENSLD: Enterprise Design
- 300-425 ENWLSD: Enterprise Wireless Design
- 300-430 ENWLSI: Enterprise Wireless Implementation
Cisco 300-410 exam format
Category | Details (Centered) |
Exam Code | 300-410 |
Exam Name | ENARSI |
Question Types | Multiple Choice, Drag & Drop, Simulations |
Exam Language | English, Japanese |
Exam Duration | 90 minutes |
Number of Questions | 55-65 |
Exam Fee | $300 (USD) |
CCNP 300-410 exam passing score
The passing score for the Cisco CCNP 300-410 ENARSI exam is not disclosed by Cisco, as the exam is scored using a scaled method. This means that the difficulty level of each question is taken into consideration when determining the passing score. However, candidates are generally advised to aim for a score of 750-850 out of 1000 in order to ensure success.
In conclusion, EveDumps offers a comprehensive and expertly crafted question bank to help candidates excel in their CCNP 300-410 ENARSI exam. By providing a professional, logical, and creative learning experience, candidates can confidently pursue their Cisco certification goals.
CCNP 300-410 Certification cost?
The cost of the CCNP 300-410 certification exam is approximately $300 USD, though prices may vary depending on your location and any available discounts.
What is the Requirement for CCNP 300-410 Exam?
To be eligible to take the CCNP 300-410 exam, candidates must have a valid Cisco CCNA certification or any Cisco CCIE certification. The 300-410 exam, also known as Implementing Cisco Enterprise Advanced Routing and Services (ENARSI), tests a candidate's knowledge of advanced routing technologies and services, including Layer 3, VPN services, and infrastructure security and services.
How long is valid for CCNP 300-410 Certification?
The CCNP 300-410 certification is valid for three years from the date of successfully passing the exam. During this time, certified professionals can leverage the benefits of their CCNP certification, such as career advancement opportunities, increased salary potential, and networking opportunities.
How to re-certify CCNP 300-410 Exam Certification?
To re-certify your CCNP 300-410 certification, you have three options: pass an exam at the same level, pass an exam at a higher level, or earn Continuing Education (CE) credits. You can either pass another CCNP level exam or take a higher-level exam, such as a CCIE lab or written exam. Alternatively, you can accumulate the required number of CE credits through authorized Cisco training courses, events, or other professional development activities.
Is the CCNP 300-410 exam difficult?
The difficulty of the CCNP 300-410 exam varies for each individual, depending on their experience and knowledge in the field. The exam covers a wide range of advanced routing and services topics, so a strong understanding of these subjects is crucial for success. However, with thorough preparation and the right resources, many candidates find it manageable to pass the exam.
Benefit of Cisco 300-410 Certification
Earning the Cisco 300-410 certification offers numerous benefits, such as validating your expertise in advanced routing and services, enhancing your professional credibility, increasing your earning potential, and opening doors to new job opportunities. Additionally, certified professionals often gain access to exclusive Cisco resources and networking events, further boosting their career growth.
In conclusion, the CCNP 300-410 certification is a valuable credential for networking professionals looking to advance their careers. To prepare for this challenging exam, we recommend using EveDumps' comprehensive exam question bank, which offers a wide range of high-quality practice questions and resources to help candidates confidently pass the exam and achieve their certification goals.
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I passed Cisco CCNP with 986/1000.100% still valid. Two new questions. That questions you can find forum.Good Luck :)
Got 950 pass monday, almost all questions from this CCNP 300-410 ENARSI Dumps dump.. So its VALID!!
300-410 Dumps Exam Dump is valid!