Should you go for the CCNA cyber ops or the CCNA security certification. Let's talk about. What's going on welcome back to network Chuck welcome to another Monday today, We're gonna start off this week right we're gonna start off with just a ton of energy and motivation.

I'm excited for the week. I want to start falling in love with Mondays, I'm hoping you will start to fall in love with Mondays. Today. We'Re gonna answer the question of what is the CCNA cyber ops? What is CCNA security? Why are there two different certs that seem to kind of talk about the same things, Security? In what situation would you go for cyber ops and which one would you go for security? We'Re gonna explore those options.

This is actually a question. I got from someone on the article last week. You commented, Let's check it out. It was from Fernando great article.

He wants to know the difference between CCNA security and CCNA cyber a he meant ops, Not cyber security. We'Re gonna answer that Before we jump into it. Let's get a little bit of motivation going here. This week's episode on this is AI.

T is up and running. We had another part to the Stuart interview from dev net and he talked about something really cool with extreme ownership. If you're familiar with that, Jhaqo will Annette guy, I don't forget his high sales last name, But he has this book called extreme ownership and basically it's all about taking ownership of your life. Everything in your life stop making excuses as to why things aren't happening.

For you, You might be like, Oh, I can't get my CCNA because I don't have the time or my job is too crazy or I'm too tired at the end of the day. No, No, No, Stop making excuses start. Taking ownership own your life own, Your IT career and that's what Stuart talks about he's adopted this lifestyle. This mindset to everything he's done and now he's working at Cisco and Cisco Dev net he's presenting a Cisco live.

This guy is insane, So here's a clip check. It out and and jaakko, If you don't know who Jaco is I'll put a link up here, Throw it on the screen or David will David's gonna be editing this. He this guy, Who talks about ownership and and discipline and there's owning your life in your environment.

How do you apply that? To being a network engineer? How do you apply that to automation? How do you apply to your own life in your own learning? That's a lot of questions so go so . You know I read through that. I thought you know what he's right. Um and I've always been fairly disciplined, Especially when it comes to learning something I'm able to you know carve out that time. Whenever that is, You know whether I have to get up early in the morning or what I have to stay up at night.

You know, Like you, Know, Training for studying for my CCO CCNA and things is, You know I would do two or three hours reading at night, I would have audio on in the car I had. It was Scott most of the CCIE audio and that might seem a little bit of a you know: a jump for a CCNA sort of you know, Engineering things, But to see the rest of the interview, Click the link below and don't forget to subscribe to this. As I T, We got tons of cool stuffs coming this week. Actually we have Bart Castle. He is in a to the us expert and when I say expert he has, I think he has almost every single AWS certification, Except for the advanced networking he's about to take that one he has every one of them, So he has a ton of insight.

We talked about AWS till we're blue in the face, So that's coming up this week we also interviewed Anthony seguirá and we'll be interviewing Jason ghuli, The godfather of network programmability on Friday, Which will be coming up in a few weeks for you to see. So it's just a ton of stuff coming out. It's so exciting and let us know what you think comment below comment on this, As I T don't forget to subscribe, But we got it on Spotify and and itunes. Sorry, I'm a little hyped up. It's I'm trying to get stoked for Monday anyways.

Cisco 400-007 Dumps

Alright, Let's talk about some news. What's going on in networking, Let's go going on in Cisco and everything else. I think the big thing right now and since we're talking about security, Cyber security, The RSA Conference was last week or the week before I forget and some new things that come out specifically Google. You know Google is owned by their parent company called alphabet, Which it just sounds scary, Cuz, I think alphabet pretty much owns the world owns everything and t have another come called Chronicle as actually just reading an article about it just now, But it's this new tool For analyzing Network telemetry and alerts and events, Basically, It stores unlimited data, So everything happening your networks from every little syslog from your router or switch is sent to Chronicle, And I and that's also including firewall information, So your Palo Alto and your a SAS all that Data all at telemetry with, If you, If you go to it and you enable all the logs logs for days it crashes your stuff, But you can send all that stuff to this new product. T have called backlog. I think it's called backlog.

What was it called back story? It's called back story. You can store unlimited data, Unlimited logs, It's supposed to be this huge AI, Driven machine learning, Driven thing to spit out the information you care about to help you identify security breaches and things going on your network. No a lot of the vendors out there already have stuff like this cisco has stuff like this.

T have their stealth read product which will look at all this data. Palo Alto has some stuff, But Google comings to the arena here. To do something like that, I mean Google is kind of good at indexing.

Is good at Search is good at analyzing. What you want, I mean t know what you want to search for even before you start typing it in so I mean Google knows all I mean you probably started reading this article, Because Google told you to so I mean t're calling the shots already, So t Might as well help us out there in network security just make sense and another one I'm reading about. It's the the NSA ever heard of these .

T came out the tool and t were actually releasing their tool. T use to reverse engineer malware and it's a tool called goodra thinking. That is what GHI DRA t're, Releasing it as an open source project. So all you security, Gurus can use this tool to reverse engineer, Malware figure out how it ticks and make sure we stop. All malware in the future, Not all malware, That's impossible, But we can start to understand the evilness up at the the dirt, The the nastiness of it.

So both of those tools released at the RSA, Which are the I think, The two biggest ones t announce style. Let me know if you actually went to RSA. Are you we're following RSA and there are some new things coming out and you thought it was awesome.

Let me know below keep me informed. I want to know, But I think it's cool, Because the certification I'm about to talk about the cybersecurity certification, The CCNA cyber ops, Is what it's called. That's something you would probably end up using as a security operations, Analyst working in a Security Operations Center, The SOC or the sock. Now, Let's get down to business, The CCNA security versus the CCNA cyber ops certification.

What's the big difference now I looked at the exam topics and, For the most part, T're pretty similar. Now the first big thing is the requirements before each exam. If you want to go for the CCNA security, The requirements, Just like any other CCNA track, You need the SI sent the CCENT, The cisco certified entry-level network, Technician that big big words or a long phrase.

You need that to get you or all the bass in that working knowledge, You'll need to succeed in those some very specific certs, So, Like collaboration security data center, But the cyber ops is different and it's so weird you don't need the season for this. There actually are no requirements to start going down the cyber ops path. It's two exams: it's required that you take those two exams and then you're good nope redirects required to start that journey. That's strange by itself! That means, Though, That one of those exams.

So if I look at it, This is the first exam here, The 210 - 250. These cyber security fundamentals or you'll see it abbreviated as sec, F, ND. Second e security fundamentals: you'll notice, The first big section of the exam topics is actually over network concepts, But it's definitely leaning more towards the security aspects of networking and then jumps into security concepts. It really hones in on the cryptography and then like host based analysis. Like hips kind of stuff monitoring and attack method to me, It goes through a lot of stuff and that's just the first exam and here's the second exam, Which is the 210 255 sick up. This is what is referred to as, And it goes even deeper.

It's like computer forensics, It shows you how to really analyze and I kind of correlate attacks. So you can, You know, Look at a bunch of data and kind of figure out things, And it also covers response and you're learning about all the the compliance frameworks like the PCI and Sox and HIPAA, Which, If you don't know what those are you definitely will. If you go down the security track and cyber ops, Specifically, It's basically looking at a ton of security data and learning to recognize when bad things are happening and then of course, Incident handling is a pretty big one.

Now the CCNA security again it does require either the C sent or CCNA routing and switching or any CCIE to go into it to be able to take that exam, And it's just one exam. Now, Let's take a look at those exam topics, So kind of you'll see a big difference. Well, I see a big difference. It's not too crazy. This is the 210 - 260, The icns.

If you go through me and we have some of the same stuff, We're skipping over the network concepts, Because you already got that in the CCENT and you'll notice, It kind of has a some CCNA feel talking about when technologies and you'll see some topic overlap. But it's missing a bunch of the cryptography stuff, It's missing a lot of the incident handling Incident Response stuff and it doesn't go into too much detail about attacks. I mean we'll cover it: layer, 2 attacks and some mitigation procedures. It really focuses on firewalls and how to implement cisco, Firewalls and such and different employ securities.

The main difference is what these certifications are preparing you for what job role for the CCNA security you're gonna, Be I mean it's, It's gonna be similar. Actually, So let me CCNA security, You're gonna, Be like an admin and network security. Admin you're gonna be going in you'll, Be like entry level right and you're kind of gearing up for the ccmp security, Where, As the cyber ops you're more for, Like it's more a specific job role, You're gonna be the guy in front of a lot of monitors.

Kind of looking at data reading things happen and and analyzing event logs and such and you're trying to correlate data and figure out what attacks are happening if attacks are happening and you're typically gonna be working with. You know large companies, Or maybe a company that manages a lot of companies. So it's a very specific job role. Where is the CCNA security again is more for like an admin role.

Now I think the cyber Ops has a lot of fantastic information. That really is gonna benefit you in any security type role, But the question still remains: should you go for the cyber ops or should you go for security, And many of you may not like this answer, But I'm gonna say you should go for the CCNA security. I would pass up the cyber ops for now for now and let me explain why, Right now, The CCNA cyber ops is as far as you can go down that track.

There is no CC and P cyber ops and we don't know if there's a plan to do so and Cisco's done this before other tracks, Like like the CCNA industrial certification. There's no CCMP industrial and it's been around for a while. I don't think t're gonna make a CCMP track for cyber ops. Now I could be wrong.

You could be reading this article when it already is out and you're like Chuck you're totally wrong. Cisterns are gonna produce, Certifications that have high demand. Now you get your certification for two reasons: one to gain the knowledge.

That's folly, The biggest reason very close behind that is number two: the marketability. You want to be able to put that certification on your resume on your LinkedIn, So that recruiters and jobs can find you, So you can get these amazing jobs you want now. I did a quick job search and I found that looking for CCNA cyber ops, It actually does show up and searches, So jobs are looking for people with a CCNA cyber ops, Certifications, However it'll say CCNA, Cyber ops or CCNA security or ccmp security or security plus. So, The cyber ops is a valuable certification.

So if you have it, It's gonna only add value to you. However, If you're going down the path of becoming a security professional - and maybe you want to work in a Security Operations Center, You want to be that guy correlating data looking at 15 monitors and just being a boss, Which is a cool job, I'm not gonna lie, But I think the CCNA security will get you to the same place and you know I was actually looking at the security plus exam objectives, Exam topic list and there's a ton of overlap with the cyber certification. In fact, The security plus covers a lot more now. The cyber ops might go more in depth with very specific cryptography and and Incident Response and student handling kind of stuff, But it doesn't go as deep as you need it to be to be a really hardcore. Soc analyst, The bulk of what you're gonna need for the job, You're gonna, Learn on the job. The cyber ops is just to get your foot in the door just to get you familiar with, And thinking like a cyber security analyst.

The benefit of going with the CCNA security is that you can then progress down the path and get your CCNP security and then become a boss and get the CCIE security. So that's a huge benefit. Now you can do both. I mean nothing, Stopping you from doing both get the CCNA security, Get the CCNA cyber ops. So you have that more cyber ops focus.

You can get those no side skills, But if it comes down to either or if it comes down to, Should I go CCNA security then hop over to CCNA cyber ops, I'd still say no I'd say: go CCNA security then jump right into CC & P security. I also don't like the fact that there's no prerequisites before jumping into CCNA cyber ops - I think - and you've probably heard me say this before I think everyone everyone should get CCNA routing and switching before going to any other track. That's how it used to be a Cisco used to have it required that you get the CCNA routing and switching and then you can go to another track.

So for me I was still you know under that regime. So when I wanted my CCNA voice, I had to get my routing switching and then I could go to CCNA voice. That's not the case anymore. I eat is a/c sent to specialize into something else, But I think you should go about the old way.

You need that CCNA erotic, Switching every job, You're gonna, Have network related. It's gonna use those core routing concepts. You'Re gonna need those things so just go for it may be the case that cyber ops really really takes off and that it's such a huge demand in the industry that it's like a required certification to go down that path. That could be the case, But right now doing job searches.

It's an either/or scenario. People don't care if you have the security or the CCNA security or the CCNA cyber ops, You're gonna be really well off going with either-or. I think you're gonna be better off going with CCNA security, Just because more jobs know about the CCNA security t may not even know like recruiters and and and CIOs, And you know, Directors, People who will hire. You may not even know what the cyber ops certification covers and what that equips you to do so. The CCNA security tried and true it's been around for a while.

It's gonna show up in job searches, It'll, You'll show up in job searches. When you put that on your resume - and that's just my take on it, That's what I see in the industry. That's that's how I have searched for jobs and apply for jobs, And gotten jobs is just looking at that kind of data.

If you know different, Please let me know give us your insight. Did you get the cyber off certification and how did that affect you? Current job role, Or how did it affect you finding a job? What type of job do you have right now, Enys suck people out there any security operations center . Let me know what the experience is like, Let us know add some value to this. It's really.

It's an interesting field. It's it's sort of a new a little bit and people been doing stuff like this for a very long time, But to have a certification focused on just that. One job role is is interesting anyways. I guess the theme of today was kind of security and cyber security and cyber ops. Let me know you think, And if you're thinking about going for either one of those certifications I'll list some training resources below to get you started, It's an exciting field.

Miss security is in high demand, Everybody knows that and you will not be without a job. That's about it today's Monday! Well, It might be Tuesday for some of you, Because I post this article late I'll try to get this article out earlier each week. But let's tackle this week, Let's own this week, What are your certification study goals this week? What are your goals in your job? What are you going to accomplish how you going to? How are you going to advance your career this week? Let me know below there's power and just stating your goals or putting them out there that way, People see it you're kind of held accountable, I'll, See you then I'll comment on them and just putting it out there.

It makes it more real, For you makes you feel just a little bit more obligated to accomplish that goal. For me, I mean I'm studying azure more this week. I really want to get to more Python this week, I'm getting prepped for my talk with Jason Gilley. This week we're gonna be talking all kinds of stuff with SD when and we're gonna talk some network programmability, Because he I don't you know this, But jason buliegh. He works francisco, But he's referred to as the godfather of network programmability.

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