Cisco, CCNA study topic where we'll be covering loopback interfaces may be, May be asking yourself what is a loopback interface? Well, Loopback interfaces are interfaces on a local router that the router will use to communicate with itself might not make a whole lot of sense, But t're useful, Because you could assign an IP address to them as you like, And you don't have to apply to any Particular port, So it's kind of like applying it to the entire router. For example, Some advanced router configurations required a router to have its own IP address with that assignment to that IP to any particular interface attached to a network. Loopback interfaces make this easy. You create a loopback interface by configuring, For example, To create an interface called loopback 0. You would go into configuration mode. Tell the router you're configuring! That interface then assign it an IP address, As you would with any other interface.

So we'll take a moment here, We'll bounce on over to our hyper terminal session, We'll go in to enable mode and we're going to have to go into configuration mode. So come fake T oops a bit of a typo there. Now, Once we go in a configuration mode, We want to specify the actual interface, So we will do interface, Loopback zero.

So now we've specified interface loopback zero from here we go. We'Re dropped down to our configure or interface prompt, So we could specify an IP address. Ip address and we'll pick 192, 168, 21 and we'll apply a subnet mask of 255 0.

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Now we could do a control Z from there, The bounce out of that and then next time we run a show int. The loopback interface we create appears on the list. So let's do a show and and see what we have. The first thing we have is our Ethernet zeros up line protocols up, And the next thing we see is loopback zeroes up and line protocols up. We see the hardware as a loopback, We see our IP address: 192.

168 21 with the subnet mask of, Our MTU bandwidth and the things we covered in the previous articles. Now these interfaces are especially useful when combining two or more circuits into one large one with multi-link PPP and then using bgp over such link. You need to have a single IP address for BGP peer, But when you share several circuits between you and your BGP BGP peer, You need to have a consistent IP address for each of those peers to speak with. You should never create a loopback interface really unless you're specifically instructed to by your ISP or maybe, If you're, Working with Cisco or their tech support.

But on similar note you should definitely know what a loopback interface is and how to use them. So t don't surprise. You so that will conclude our article. We hope you found this article to be of use and that it helps you prepare for your Cisco, CCNA certification, We're sure you will quickly find that hands-on. Real-World experience is the best way to cement the CCNA concepts and help you pass your CCNA exam for more information on how you can obtain affordable, CCNA or CCNP study kits, As well as to find more of these valuable CCNA topics.

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