Choose all that apply if any a ospf considers the speed of an interface when assigning that interface is metric b. All ospf route types have an administrative distance of 110 see. There is no dr bdr election on an ospf point-to-point link d, Gig, Ethernet and fast ethernet interfaces have the same default, Ospf speed, So a lot going on in today's question. So if you want to take a little more time to think about, It feel free to hit the pause button.

I want to thank all of you who are who have already joined my 200 301 article boot camp out on udemy. It's the fastest growing ccna course out there. If you haven't, Follow this link and or the link that I'll put in the article description and get in for the best possible price. As always, All articles are downloadable, Get your ccna with me on your schedule. You can't beat it now: let's take a look at today's question and then we'll go through the answers one by one which of these is true of ospf. Well, A ospf considers the speed of an interface when assigning that interface is metric.

That is absolutely true and the reason I call this one. The cost of greatness is to again suggest to you and those of you who have taken ospf courses and question questions from before. It's like oh he's, Going to talk about cost again, But the metric assigned to an interface and that overall route metric is called cost in ospf. The words cost and metric tend to get used interchangeably, But on your exam in in cisco world ospf metric equals cost and not any other routing protocol.

It is definitely the word cost now that I've hammered that into the ground. Let's get to the other three. All ospf route types have an administrative distance of 110. That is absolutely true and there are actually six route types or six route codes that you can see assigned. Ospf routes you're not going to see them all during your ccna studies, But t all have an administrative distance of 110 by default.

CCNP 300-825 Dumps

Unlike say, Eigrp, Which has different ads for an internal route and an external route see. There is no drbdr election on an ospf point-to-point link. That is absolutely true, Because if it's a point-to-point link, You only have two routers and you really don't have to worry about going through the orderly notification of a network change.

When you only have two speakers on a line, You know a is going to tell b or b is going to tell a and that's it. So that's one of the reasons we have a drbdr election is so we can choose the router. That's going to notify everybody on a segment about a network change and in a point-to-point link you don't need that. You don't need the overhead of the election, So by golly we do not have the election.

Finally, D, Gig ethernet and fast ethernet interfaces have the same default, Ospf speed, Believe it or not. That is actually true. T both have a default speed of one and you might think well why? Because you know fast, Ethernet, Gig ethernet, You fast ethernet, Gig ethernet.

You know one's literally 10 times faster than the other. Well, When the formula to determine an ospf cost for an interface was developed, You know, Gig ethernet was a fantasy, We just didn't have it so the thing was the formula works out pretty well until you get to fast ethernet, Gig, Ethernet and even 10 gig ethernet, Because t all come out to a default cost of one and that's not really what we want. It's not giving ospf the most accurate picture of the network. So what I'm going to do is actually create some five-minute article bootcamps and I'm going to put those on youtube the week of august 30 and show you a couple of different ways.

The CCNP 300-825 Dumps is a wonderful tool for evaluating your performance in terms of the number of questions you can answer and your ability to maintain a healthy level of stress during the final exam. Additionally, it supports you in planning for a buffer, which acts as a safety net for you throughout the Certification exam.


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