so starting with the first article of the first chapter ,But all of them are theory, No hands on labs. But it's the most important chapter, Because everything that I will mention talk about interplay lab practice it in the beginning, At the beginning of chapter two and beyond depends on these fundamentals. So the first one or the first thing that I need to talk about today, Will be the network fundamentals, The I'm sorry the network was the definition of a network network is simply being able to share some content, Some data with another computer by sending it to Them networking is not the concept of like I have a file, But in order to share that file with you, I have a lovely image. I have a photo. I have a document or whatever and in order to share that data with you, I will bring either a dvd or a usb stick or an external hard drive, And I will copy there and I will hand you that and you will get a copy of it.

I will should be able to send you something without any extra drives or storage or whatever. I will be able to do a couple of clicks and the file will be pushed out of my computer and will be sent to yours, So you are only sitting in your place. You should do nothing at all you you're sitting and you receive something. You send me a file.

That was very kind networking, That's it! So simply, This is a networking I'll leave that until we fix the electricity , So the idea is also called the computer network because the first definition of network came out when humans or scientists connected or engineers connected couple of computers together. So these two computers - I will always use my pen and scratch on the screen throughout the course when two computers were connecting somehow through a media to be able to send or exchange some data between them. So it was called first, The computer network, It's two or more devices needs to, Or are already sharing needs to, Share or are already sharing information between them to do that, T will need a common media between them to share that information, So t will need some Type of connection between them so, Like a cable, Perhaps well, I will talk about that or no cables.

How well in the air - and I will tell you that there are some two small magicians living in your computers. T will send some invisible info in there. Actually, It's only wi-fI and it has a complete individual and a really good chapter, Which is chapter six here in this course, And you will see that it really starts from from zero from the beginning, And it will tell you what is wi-fi: what is wireless, What Is everything in ewlan, So at the very basics or the first or at or whenever you reach the approach of having two computers or more being able to communicate data, Send or exchange some data? This is a network. This is a computer network. Then, Since you have got the idea of networking - and I hope so point number two will be network types and it depends on the size so the size the volume of the network will indicate - which type is that, Because there are two major main types and there Are some other miscellaneous types, But basically there are two types of networking: a lan and a one.

CCNP 300-425 Dumps

A local and a white actually make. Let's make it in that way, So either a local network or a wide network. The local is something local and very obvious from sanjaya, Actually stating the obvious, Not that smart, But to give you the good news for local networking. This is a network that you, After you finish an associate certificate from cisco.

You can manage almost all of it or completely all of it alone by yourself. Yes, This is for a local network for the wide. No, It will be a big responsibility, And I will talk about that. I'm not like frightening you here at all, But I'll tell you the difference, So some users in the same room like let's say we have a room of some employees and we if we got a top point of view for them, We'll find a computer here.

Two three computers, Four five computers and somehow all of them are connected and all of them are being able to exchange. Perhaps perhaps a sixth one, And all of them are being able to send some connections between them. If you were born like in the 80s 90s and even the early 2000s, Then perhaps you have on to a local shop where this guy this there is a guy that have connected these computers in the same way, And you will log in and you play a article game with your other friends that all of them are playing the same article game at the same time, So your enemy or your opponent, Or your the .

The person that you are playing against against is your friend that is sitting next to you and having an other computer, So you're not playing against the smart computer or the operating system. Actually, You are playing against your friend, So that was the very basic computer networking architecture at the early beginnings, So a local area network means the same room or some in the same department, All of them connected together using something called a switch interesting. We will have a slide for that and perhaps a article for that wait for it, But when you have that or you have some users in multiple rooms or multiple departments, But are connected via a router, , Another another strange name and some switches. So this one and that new one either the cases these two networks are called a local area network, A lan.

So this is the l that I was referring to. This is type number one type number two is when you have something larger when you have some users connected worldwide globally, Between regions between countries between continents between states between governor rates. Yes, At that time, T are connected through the internet.

Now you are playing against your friend, But he is in another or she is in another different place. You are not playing together against each one against the other, Or you are not connecting your computers via one direct, Cable or via some network that you can see by your own eyes. You can see a couple of devices your device, Your computer, Is connected to the first device. This device is connected to the second.

The second is connected to your friend's computer and that's how you're achieving connectivity and networking that was lan, The local networking, How you are being able to communicate with your other friend through the internet like a very simple and classic and common approach email. Definitely you will send emails to remote friends through the internet. This is called wan, So the wide area network now is connecting you to your friend so that your computer is being able to send an email to your friend's email application.

So service providers will be needed. Was that these are multiple giant big, Very extremely big companies, In the way that t are giving you internet, Giving your friend the internet and t are interconnected between them or t are connected between them. So t are the reason that your emails being received well and the reply is sent back to you well as well.

and t contain a group of devices like routers switches, Multi-layer switches, Firewalls, So much devices that you're stating right. Now that I have no idea about, I will give you a good idea about in minutes, , But all of these devices will be needed at that approach. We will be at the wide area network, The one this ccna this one and the CCNP enterprise.

These two courses, The two most famous worldwide right now, Starting from 2020 and beyond. These two courses, Focuses on lands, Focuses on an enterprise, Even if you had a network that have like 500 users, 500 computers, 100 router, 200 switches. What are routers and switches devices that I will talk about in a minute, But t have so many network devices but t are spread it like in one single country or in one single state or governorate got me in that way. This is still a lan, So all the different, Easy, Medihard or difficult technologies like beginner to professional technologies. All of these are already explained interpreted in this ccna and in the CCNP3 price.

So when you finish these two exams, You can control and you can engineer and manage completely these local area networks. Wide networkings are for ccnp service provider, Ccie service provider, CcI enterprise. At that time you are dealing over the internet over the cloud, And things will not be easy. Topologies will not look easy at all and things will be different. This is for the one.

So you might think yourself that you are really capable. You really want to challenge, And so on I admire that. Yes, But you need to wait a little bit, So that should be only enough by the way. All my articles are 10 to 20 minutes.

Only so 15 minutes is the average identical duration for each article. So that you might study two or three articles only in one day, That will be enough. Actually, Let me be honest: if you readed an hour of articles, This equals four to six articles a day only and mostly t will be talking about one topic. Only six articles, Perhaps if you only read one hours of articles and you consumed two more hours extra hours, Just to understand and write your notes regarding everything re-practice.

The lab that I did in the articles that I have readed today. Re-Practice the same examples and labs, Those important labs, So, Let's say two to three hours a day will be enough for you to finish the ccna course in one month. After that, You can take the exam review, The exam preparation series etc, And you will be qualified to take the exam that should be enough for this article. I don't want it to make to. I don't want to make it a very long and annoying article for you in the upcoming article, We'll talk about the components about this router that I mentioned, What is our laptop, Etc? What is the switch, And so many different things?

The process of becoming a networker isn’t considered for the faint-hearted. It requires lots of hard work and nice and trustworthy CCNP 300-425 Dumps, like that offered at the EveDumps, to clear this grueling exam.


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