Now we will see the outcomes of today's session. In today's session we will be learning about how to download and work with Cisco Packet. Tracer and we will know the basics of Cisco Packet Tracer, We will establish an example peer-to-peer network using Cisco Packet Tracer. Now we will see what is this Cisco Packet Tracer Before going into the Cisco Packet Tracer? We will now see what is the Cisco. It is a very popular software company and t are the leaders in networking And Cisco Packet.

Tracer is an innovative and powerful networking simulation tool used for practice, Discovery and troubleshooting. I will always tell myself and others to learn concepts both theoretically and practically, Rather than being mark oriented . We must be knowledge oriented . We must acquire sound practical knowledge so that it will help us to crack network based interviews. It will help us to attempt well in GATE exams. It will help us to solve any analytical questions and we are fortunate to have such a very powerful simulation tool.

That is the Cisco Packet Tracer, Because it helps us to understand networks practically Now we will see how to download the Cisco Packet Tracer To download the Cisco Packet Tracer. We are required to open any browser Here. I will prefer chrome, Just click on Google, Chrome and type netacadcom.

Once you are done just scroll a little bit, You will find the packet tracer option available here. Just click on this packet tracer option and you will be given up with the page that directs you. How to download Cisco Packet Tracer, You can follow these steps in order to download the Cisco Packet Tracer. The fascinating point about this is that you can just enroll to download the Cisco Packet Tracer, Where this enrollment has some benefits.

The benefits are, You can learn the Cisco Packet Tracer for free of cost and it's a very short duration course, And the length is just 10 hours And obviously you will be in the beginner level. You can learn online and it is a self-paced learning mode And you can choose some languages that are available for free. I will go with English, Just click on the sign up today and the language, And it will prompt you to enter the first name last name and the email After you are done with your first name.

Last name and email-ID submit button will be enabled Click on the submit button and you can start learning and downloading the Cisco Packet Tracer. I have already downloaded the Cisco Packet Tracer, But I am using an older version here. If you enroll now, You can use the latest version of Cisco Packet Tracer. I am using Cisco Packet Tracer 62 in our lectures After you download and install the Cisco Packet Tracer just open the Cisco Packet Tracer.

So I will now open the Cisco Packet Tracer. So Cisco Packet Tracer is being opened. Yes, Now we got the Cisco Packet Tracer, And this is the workspace where we are going to build the network, And we have so many tools here, For example, If you click here, These are all routers.

Cisco has a variety of routers. You can choose any of the routers you want, Since we are dealing with the basic concepts, You can choose any of the basic routers And if you want switches, Just click this one, You will get a variety of switches and I will always prefer Cisco. 2960 switch. If you want hubs, Just click here, You will get some hubs If you want to use some wireless devices in our workspace. Just click here.

So some wireless devices like wireless switches, Access points, Wireless routers cell phone tower And if you want some cables, Just click this. You will get some cables and we are concerned about these two cables-. This is straight through cable and this is crossover, Cable And these two cables are Ethernet cables, And this is a coaxial cable. If you want serial cables, You can go for this serial cables. So in the initial part of our lectures, We will be dealing with this copper straight through cable and crossover cable. If you want end devices just click here, You will get lots of end devices like our traditional computers or our desktop computers.

CCNP 300-620 Dumps

Laptops servers, Printers voice-over, IP phones, Televisions, Wireless tablets and smart-phones, And if you want security devices, Just click on this, You will get security devices like firewall. We will be exploring many of these things in this series. For time being, We will just take two computers and we will establish a peer-to-peer network To establish a peer-to-peer network.

I am taking two computers, So after clicking on these end devices, We will get lots of end devices. So let me click on this device. That is our computer--, Our desktop computer Click on this and click.

Here You can click again and click on the workspace, So we have brought in two computers in our workspace. What cable is used in order to connect these two computers? Just recollect the previous lectures In one of our previous lectures, I have explained what cable should be used for connecting devices For connecting two different devices. We have to use Ethernet straight through cable For connecting two devices of same kind. We have to use crossover cable, Since these two are of same type, So we have to use Ethernet crossover, Cable, How to use crossover, Cable Just go to the cables part.

That is the connections part, And we have to click on this straight through cable or crossover. Cable, Since we are in a need of crossover, Cable, Just click on this crossover, Cable and come to this PC In this PC, We will have an Ethernet port, Just click on this PC. You will find two ports. One is RS 232 port, Which is a serial port and we are going to connect an Ethernet, Cable and, To be precise, It is a crossover cable.

So we have a port here. That is the Ethernet port. Just click on this and again go to this PC and click on this PC in this PC, Where we are going to connect In this PC. Also, We are going to connect in the FastEthernet port, So we have taken a cable just visualize like this. We have a CPU, We have our computer and we have our cable.

This is like taking an Ethernet crossover cable and connecting it to the two Ethernet ports of the two different computers, And, If you want to know more about this, Just click on this PC and just go to the physical part. This is the CPU portion of this PC Just scroll a little bit. You will find an Ethernet port here, Insert that crossover cable into this port And similarly, For this PC also, We will have an Ethernet port, So this is like taking a cable and plugging it into the exact port. So far we have taken two computers.

We have connected an Ethernet crossover cable to these two computers. Now we will see whether these two computers are reachable or not, But we are missing one thing: now: We have not assigned any IP address to any of these PCs. Now we will assign IP address to this PC.

Just click on this computer go to the desktop option in desktop option. You will find IP configuration Just click on this IP configuration and we will give some IP address to this PC, Let it be 10 dot, 10 dot, 10 dot one, And let us not care about this subnet mask now. We will mainly focus on IP address now, Anyway, We will be dealing about this subnet mask in the upcoming lectures, So I have assigned the IP address to this PC, Which is 10 dot, 10 dot 10 dot one, And to this PC we will assign 10 dot 10, Dot 10 dot. Two Just click on this PC go to the desktop option: Just click on the IP configuration and give 10 dot; 10 dot, 10 dot. Two.

So now we have assigned IP address to both the PCs. The IP address of this PC is 10 dot, 10 dot, 10 dot one and the IP address of this PC is 10 dot, 10 dot, 10 dot two And I will put a label so that it will be easy for us to understand. So this is just a label.

It has no role to play with the networking concept. This is the computer that is having the IP address: 10 dot; 10 dot; 10 dot two. So this is 10 dot, 10 dot, 10 dot two, And this is 10 dot, 10 dot, 10 dot one.

Now we will see what is the IP address of this PC? What is the MAC address of this PC and whether these two computers are reachable? Please note: I am working with this computer 10: dot 10 dot 10 dot. One Now to know the IP configuration details. We know what is the command that is used to view the IP configuration details To view the IP configuration details in the command prompt of the computer. We are required to give ipconfig command Just go to this PC. Now we are not going to configure the IP address to the PC; Rather, We are going to see the IP address.

We have to see what is the IP configuration so in that PC we have to go to the command, Prompt and the command to know the IP configuration is ipconfig, Just click ipconfig, And it gives the IP address detail. The IP address of this computer is 10 dot, 10 dot 10 dot one, And we will see what is the IP address if this computer now Just click on this PC, Go to the command prompt of this PC and give ipconfig. So we are in the second computer, And the IP address of this computer is 10 dot, 10 dot 10 dot.

Two. Now we will see how to see the physical address Go to this PC the desktop this command prompt and give ipconfig space slash all And see what is the physical address of this computer? It is 00D0BC96C1CE, And this is the MAC address. We know physical addresses are MAC addresses If you observe windows used a different notation, Cisco is using a different notation, Cisco uses dot as the separator, Whereas windows used hyphen as the separator, But whatever it is MAC addresses, Are generally 48 bits. Now we will see the MAC address of this PC.

Also Just go to this PC click on the command prompt and give ipconfig space slash. All Here. Space should be provided, But in windows you need not give space, Whereas in packet tracer simulation you have to give ipconfig space slash all And the MAC address of this computer is this. So far we have seen how to see IP address and MAC address in the computers in Cisco Packet Tracer.

Now we will see whether these two computers are reachable or not. Now I will go to this command prompt of this computer and I will issue the command ping: 10, Dot, 10 dot, 10 dot, Two, That is the destination computer And this computer is going to send four packets and it will receive acknowledgments for four packets. Let me open this computer command prompt and let me give p-i-n-g ping 10 dot: 10 dot, 10 dot.

Two Please note: I am working in this computer, Which is having the IP address: 10 dot, 10 dot 10 dot one, And I want to check whether 10 dot 10 dot 10 dot. Two is reachable from 10 dot, 10 dot, 10 dot, One So from 10 dot. 10, Dot 10 dot one. I am issuing ping 10 dot, 10 dot, 10 dot.

Two. So what happens? If I give enter It sends four packets. If connectivity is there, It will receive four acknowledgments. I will give enter now. Yes, I am getting replies for the four packets that are sent If you could notice, It has sent four packets and it has received acknowledgments for four packets. So the number of packets that are sent is four and the number of packets that are received is also four, So four packets are sent and four packets are received And we have encountered no loss.

So there is zero percent loss here. Isn'T the Cisco Packet Tracer awesome Because this simulation tool gives the feel like we are working in the real device. It's really a very powerful tool. I recommend you always try things with Cisco Packet, Tracer or any simulation tool, So this will certainly help you to understand things in a better way, And that's it .

I hope now you know how to download and work with Cisco Packet Tracer with the basic level, And we know the basics of Cisco Packet Tracer, And we have established an example peer-to-peer network using Cisco Packet Tracer. We have a lot of things to come in the upcoming lecture. Please do not miss those lectures. I hope the session is informative And thank you for reading.

With the CCNP 300-620 Dumps, preparing for your actual certification exam becomes easy. You can use these exam questions to determine your readiness for certification. The certification is challenging, and some assistance goes a long way. Not only may you take this test numerous times, but you can also demonstrate that you comprehend the ideas presented on the certification exam.


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