In this article, I'm gonna go and answer a question that I know many people have in the IT community, I passed My CCNA, So what next? What's the next thing for me to do now that I have my CCNA now a better question for you to ask yourself that will get you better answers will be. What will be the best thing for me to do now that I have my CCNA a big difference again that will get you better answers and obviously, In this article I'm gonna go through option two and what that means is. I have another article where I go through option 1. I want to give you some options for you to think about, For you to be like , Based on where I'm at, Based on what I'm trying to accomplish, Based on everything that I'm going through. In my personal life, The best thing for me is to do option 2 or you know.
What probably, For you will be option 1 again always go to the market and see what options you have never go based on. What just one person tells you to do without t know you, Where you are in everything that you are going through, So let's go through option 2 and what to do now, That you have your CCNA or that you are about to get your CCNA and that's For you to focus to learn a high-paid skill now for you to focus and go and learn another technical topic, We went through option 1 and we went through some scenarios if that was the best thing for you to do, And that was for you to get Your bin word purification so again go to that article. That's option! 1.
Now, Let's go to option 2 focus to learn a high-paid skill. Now for you to go and learn another technical topic, These will allow you for you to become more valuable to the marketplace. Then you go and learning another technical topic. Now, Let's go through some high paid skills. T I know, Probably for you will be new, That I never know that I had to learn that.
I never know that I have to master that skill. One of them is the process of learning how to learn the process of learning how to learn. I will tell you this right now. The way that you go and learn a technical topic makes a huge difference again.
The way that you go and learn a technical topic makes a huge difference, And how do you go and answer a technical question now, Whether you go and educate other people about the topic now, Whether you go and communicate what you learn about the topic? So, If not about how to communicate what you know, It's not about how to answer a technical question based on topics that you know now that you know everything know how do you go and learn them? That's exactly what will help you the way that you go and learn a new technique, A topic - and I know this is something that no one talks about in the IT community. But that helped me a lot and it's helping a ton of my students. It makes a huge difference, The way that you go and learn a technical topic.
So if you just got your CCNA and proudly that's not the only traffic Asian that you've got the last, Let's say six months: the last year, It's time for you now to learn something that has nothing to do with technical. The once again will allow you produce, Become more valuable to the marketplace and at one point, You're gonna go through the job interview process and the way that you can really be free. Initiate yourself it's on how you're gonna go and communicate and answer the questions that t're gonna ask you and a lot of it and how you're gonna do. That is how you go and learn that technical topics, Big difference and that's something that Jess I can teach you just go to our membership site.
So you can get more info, No one in the IT teach you this high paid skill. Another one is a storytelling Jess for you to be successful and for you to get a high paying job in IT. Do you better know how to tell a stories and that's once again and how you gonna communicate what you know? The experience that you have I see - and I know people and I see a ton of people out there in the IT community. T are very, Very smart.
T have experience, T know a lot, But t can get a high paying job and a lot of it is because everything t know the experience t have it's here and t cannot communicate a story tell that to other people. So if you were 19 and you have a few IT traffic Asians - and this is something probably completely new to you - my advice would be take the next month, The next two months and forget about you, Going and learn a new technical topic and you getting another. It traffic ation focus and one of the high paid skills again that will allow you for you to become more valuable to the market place.
Storytelling is a huge one. I know. Probably I can come up to you and I and ask you: can you tell me that difference between our order in a switch, Can you tell me the process and how one computer is able to communicate with another computer, And I know there right now. Probably there are a ton of information going through your mind and you get it. You see it, But now I'm gonna ask you for you to tell me a story about it. I'm gonna ask you: how can you answer that question befriend from the other 10 people that I'm gonna ask the same question? So maybe there are many things going through your mind.
That makes sense but difficult for that. Things are going through your mind to come out of your mouth and that learn about a skill and that's something as well, That I teach and I've been teaching my students and that's how a ton of them are able to get a high paying job and the Ones t had no experience that once t had no background in IIT, Not even a bachelor's were able to get nah, None of them nah an entry-level position. T got a really nice thing job, Not an entry-level position now.
Another skill that you have to learn obviously is marketing and you probably think in marketing what does that has to do with I team a lot you need to know how to market yourself, One of my mentors years ago. Tommy call him for you to be successful in anything that you're gonna go on doing you better know: marketing how to market yourself how to market what you know, The experience that you have how to position and market that will make a difference and how much you're Gonna go on earning now if you went to any university to get an IT degree. If you went to any boot camp - and I team for you to get to five or if you go to any other of these websites, Technical websites membership, Do t teach you marketing or how to market? That topic that you just learn, Because that exactly is what will make the difference, And I know there is nothing out there that will teach you that in a team.
That's why we, I created Network, Engineer Academy, To help you for you to learn what you need to learn for you to be successful and for you to get a high paying job in IT fast, Not in the next five ten years. So now let's go back here. Another one sells obviously - and I know people don't like that - word sells, But you need to know how to sell yourself and a lot of it has to do and how you're gonna go.
In this case, Let's say through that job interview, Process and you're reaching out to the right people and that's managers that BP's t will basically are loud. You you know to connect with them and if you are able to market to sell yourself really well and the value that you have to offer you win, T are eternal people. I know I'm telling you out there, T have the experience, T're very smart and t are not earning as much as t can earn in a lot of it, Because the skills that I'm going through and one of them cells you have to know how to sell Yourself, You have to know how to go through the job interview process and carry yourself like look.
I have the value to offer to this position and that's the reason why I applied to this position. I have the value to offer and let me tell you why and then you go through a story. Tell you know your way in and basically sell yourself based on what you know what you have learnt, The experience that you have in that. So, No more what you need to know how to do that. The other one that I've insane to communication you have to know the and how to communicate what you know and how to connect with other people and the whether you're able to connect with other people is how do you communicate with them? Because let me tell you once you're able to know how to communicate with other people, You will be able to connect with them at a level that you proudly not able to do that right now and that's gonna.
Allow you for you to now to influence that conversation that presentation that process and that process can be the ones that you go through a job interview process and getting the child. While you think that some of my new students double their income, T go and do what's needed. T go and become valuable, Based on what the market wants and and what the market needs, And t focus not only and learning that technical topics the right way for t go unlearning high paid skills t allow them to differentiate completely from everyone else from the other Chain from the other 20 candidates, T wants to get the same job the by the way t go to the same process, Doing the same thing that doesn't work answering the same questions the same way in that's the reason why t don't remember them easy to get A high paying job, If you know what to do, Then I'm gonna ask you again, As anyone in IT has anyone in IT or any of the other youtubers teach you and how to do this or advise you that this is something that it's a must or Do t tell you to do something stupid? Did you know already that you have to do that? It's obvious or get your CCNA or get this or don't say that it's time for you to take your IT career to the next level, And I get it.
You probably don't like me and that's fine and you don't have to but just go and learn this as skills, And it will make a difference in your IT career and your personal life. So now I'm going to ask you to do is to do the same. You know comment under article, Like the article share. The article subscribe share, This content.
I know there are a ton of people out there that wants to. T need to know this content and, By the way, Make sure to sign up, Join the membership site where you're gonna go and learn that technical topics the right way and how to really go and process that technical topics. Now, Where t will help you and be able to learn these skills, This is something that you can go and learn on your own. You can do that. That's the way that I did it.
I access different access points, Different type of tree, Trainings, Coaches. The only thing that I'm doing now that I know now that I went through the process and obviously apply outside of it, It's for you to just access. One point me for me to teach you everything that helped me and it's helping a ton of my students. So now I'm going to ask you for you to go to article number three option. Three again, This is option one, And this is something that I will advise you to do.
If you've been an IT, You have some experience. You have a few cert. You know for you to be like ok, The next month, The next two months. No more technical. I'Ve been doing that a lot, So not only the next two months focus and learn one two high paid skills that I know will allow me to become more value to the marketplace.
T will take my career and what I know to a higher level again. So lab to you, This is what I will do. This is option two once you get your CCNA, So don't go and get another cert go and do this. It will help you a lot more than you get in the other CCNA. You know another exam now go to the next article. I'm gonna go through option 3 and what you do again depending and where you are right.
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