The first step is to take the exam in simulation mode. This mode replicates the actual exam environment and conditions, giving you a realistic experience of what to expect on exam day. It's essential to take the exam in simulation mode as it helps you get used to the exam's format and the time constraint. You are given 120 minutes to complete the exam, and you can't go back to previous questions once you've clicked "next." I cannot stress enough how important it is to take the exam honestly and not cheat. If there's anything you don't know, take a guess and move on to the next question. Once you've completed the exam, you'll receive a score, and you'll be able to review the correct and incorrect answers. This is where the real learning begins. Whip out your notebook and start taking notes on your weak areas, the questions you got wrong, and the explanations provided by Boson.
Study mode is an excellent tool for learning and retaining information. You can retake the exam in study mode and go over your notes, taking note of why the correct answers are correct, why the incorrect answers are wrong, and why the correct one is correct. Take notes on any new information you learn and focus on improving your weak areas. After studying, retake the exam in simulation mode again. Do not cheat. This time you should be aiming for a score of 900 or higher.
It's essential to take note of your incorrect answers and retake them until you get them right. Rinse and repeat with Exam B and Exam C until you can consistently score 900 or higher. If there's a particular area you're struggling with, Boson provides custom exams that focus on specific categories. You can move everything else to the left and select the category you're weak in, and the custom exam will only give you questions from that category. This allows you to focus on improving your weak areas. Title: The Six-Week Process to Obtain Your Cisco CCNA Certification Welcome to Network Engineer Academy! In this article, I will be sharing a detailed six-week process to help you obtain your Cisco CCNA certification. You might be skeptical, thinking that it's impossible to get certified in just six weeks, but I assure you that this process works. Many of my students have successfully used this process to get certified, and you can too. Before diving into the process, let's talk about time.
How much time are you currently investing in studying for your certification? If you're only putting in 6-8 hours a week, then you're not serious about it. To make your IT career a priority, you need to invest at least 20 hours a week in studying. Yes, it might seem like a lot, but remember, your career and income depend on it. Now, let's get into the six-week certification process. In this article, I will cover what you need to do before starting the six weeks. In the second article, I will explain what you need to do each week in detail. First and foremost, make sure that you have the necessary equipment and resources to study.
You will need access to a computer, a reliable internet connection, and study materials such as books, blogs, and practice tests.
You can find a plethora of study materials online, but make sure that they are from reputable sources. Next, create a study plan that fits your schedule. This plan should include dedicated study time each day, as well as breaks to prevent burnout. Stick to your plan, but don't be afraid to adjust it if necessary. Another essential component of your study plan is accountability. Find a study partner or a mentor who can keep you on track and provide feedback on your progress. You can also join online study groups and forums to connect with other students who are on the same journey as you. As discussed in the previous section, obtaining a high-paying job in the IT industry requires commitment and dedication.
It is common for students to condition themselves to prioritize their IT career. This can be achieved by dedicating 20 hours per week to studying and practicing IT skills. To accomplish this goal, it is recommended to schedule 2-3 hours of study time each weekday, and an additional 4-6 hours over the weekend. Making IT a priority may require waking up earlier or going to bed later than usual. For those who are new to the IT field and want to obtain the CCNA certification, it is suggested to spend 10 days studying the content under Network Plus before beginning the six-week process to obtain the CCNA certification. This will help familiarize oneself with basic IT concepts and terminology. Planning out the certification process is essential for success.
Many individuals make the mistake of trying to obtain multiple certifications at once without a clear plan, which can be overwhelming. It is important to be detailed and specific about what needs to be accomplished each week. To reverse-engineer the process, start with the end goal and work backward to determine what needs to be done. This will help ensure that the focus is on what is necessary to achieve the desired outcome. While there is a lot of information available, it is crucial to only focus on what is relevant and necessary for one's current skill level.